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  1. aceiswild7

    Cold water tanks?

    i had one with an octopus which worked out fine until he escaped also read you can have catalina gobies in cold tanks which are very nice looking fish good luck
  2. aceiswild7


    you could have something like a blue ribbon eel which are great to watch and really nice if they eat well for you but something like a true moray would outgrow that size tank ... u should be able to get away with a banded moray or chainlink for a long time if you want a true gymnothorax
  3. aceiswild7

    new tank

    the point i think silent bob is trying to make is most if not 99.999% of the people who set up 20 gal salt water set ups make them small reef tanks because a fish only 20 gal would have 1 or 2 fish and probably not be very nice unless filtration was great and you had a flashing tile or some...
  4. aceiswild7

    I need help with my Blue line Grouper

    hey groupers dont eat flake maybe occasionaly but they wont live off of it they need meat what is cheap for them because they are pigs is go to your local discount store - bj's cosco whatever is near you and get a bag of shrimp which is pretty cheap and just peel off a piece of shrimp defrost it...
  5. aceiswild7

    how much liverock

    depends on what direction your going with the tank if you want fish that need swimming room then you have to limit yourself if you are doing a reef then you dont i suggest as much as possible to keep the fish happy and healthy besides it all helps with filtration and looks good
  6. aceiswild7

    Keeping a fish-only clean...

    ya leaving the lights on for to long or natural sunlight tends to do that even to established tanks and also if i were you with a large aggressive tank which ive had but never had the chance to try a cleaner wrasse next time i do one im going to see if it works i always thought it would be cool...
  7. aceiswild7

    Stocking new tank

    if you want to make a marquee looking tank i would get a few large pieces of live rock with some nice coral on top of them and get a hawaiin dragon moray if i had the room i certainly would
  8. aceiswild7

    Multiplying Anemone

    dont take this the wrong way but i really wouldnt mind if my anemones started multiplying and making me money i think id be pretty happy about it... can you give us your water parameters and setup info? i would love to know what they use to divide thanx
  9. aceiswild7

    tamato clown

    some pink tip anemones and rock anemones they never even go near them though
  10. aceiswild7

    New Pics!!!

    i have an amiracle 250 a giant fluval, berlin XL, and UV that all run out of the sump in the wet dry which returns to the tank i know anemones move around live rock and with the size of that one i was afraid he would knock over rocks or corals not everything is that secure
  11. aceiswild7

    More Pics!!!

    i actually have a pair of the daimond gobys its so nice watching them swim together all the time there is probably 80 lbs of live rock and about the same amount of base rock the tank has been up for maybe 2 months now or a little more
  12. aceiswild7

    New Pics!!!

    ya it is probably a foot wide when opened i just took him out of that tank and put it in my 29 he started moving around and at his size im afraid he will destroy my tank
  13. aceiswild7

    How do I stop my husband from fish addiction?

    embrace that which you can not conquer ... u should give learning about the fish a shot and try to make him know your interested even going out and buying him a fish it would probably catch him off gaurd but im sure it would help you get into the circle which presently has him and only his...
  14. aceiswild7

    Lost Posts

    i also lost about 7 posts or so .. i wonder if anyone piled all of our lost posts together and added them to their own?? or maybe just started a fire with them? well anyway i hope our posts werent just deleted that would be a waste also who knows what post number when i get to stop being a red...
  15. aceiswild7

    More Pics!!!

    its all live sand
  16. aceiswild7

    tamato clown

    all of my fish are healthy except for my tamato clown whose lips have swollen and he has stopped eating as much as he used to also this same thing happened to a skunk clown i had in the tank which i seperated then it died i have already put the tamato in another tank but does anyone know what is...
  17. aceiswild7

    lights 24/7 ?

    just out of curiousity i have a 125 reef which has a lot of fish in it and currently i only have 2-double strip lights with one actinic and one normal bulb if i got another strip and put 2 actinic bulbs would it be overly stressfull or detrimental to the tank to leave the strip with only actinic...
  18. aceiswild7

    More Pics!!!

    i put these on 2 posts so the pics would upload faster i hope i am not violating any rules
  19. aceiswild7

    New Pics!!!

    finally i can post my pics i was having trouble obviosly something was wrong with the server but it seems to be fixed now i hope you all enjoy
  20. aceiswild7


    multiple triggers will outgrow a 75 but if you have a larger tank for when they get too large you could get 2 or 3 for now in my opinion if its for life i would suggest only one and my favorite is without a doubt a rectangularis trigger good luck