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  1. aceiswild7


    i presently have a pair of sqaure box anthias in my 125 which has some other community fish i was curious what the rule was with mixing different species of anthias before i do something stupid i know clowns dont mix well but anthias are fairly new to me thanx
  2. aceiswild7

    Pop Eye in a Coral Beauty

    i had a coral beauty that had some minor popeye which i noticed after i got him i was told by my supplier who i got him from either it will get better or worse either way let it happen because i cant medicate the tank and getting him out to put him in the qt tank was hopeless regardless i was...
  3. aceiswild7

    How Much Money Do You Have In Your Aquarium

    i have a 125 set up that has at least 2000 in it already
  4. aceiswild7

    canary blennie

    i have a canary blennie which i saw today chasing his own tail... has anyone ever seen this done? :eek: it was not normal looking
  5. aceiswild7

    question about an idea

    this may not be in the right forum but i noticed this one has the most moderators so i apologize if its a problem... i have a 125 in which the water quality is great it has a skimmer UV wet dry and canister filter on it .. a few feet away i have a 29 which is empty except for a goby who keeps...
  6. aceiswild7

    Fish Bite stories!!!!!

    about a year ago i had an aggresive tank with a few fish in it and i had a clown trigger that was about 3 inches and whenever i would put the silversides in a cup then scoop up some of the water to defrost them he would try to bite my hand every now and then i would let my gaurd down and he...
  7. aceiswild7

    shark cats

    i have a 125 with lots of fish and live rock and a few anemones i have 2 shark cats which seem to be doing fine in there they were acclimated from brackish at my lfs tommorow i am getting more live rock for the tank im not sure if the shark cats are good for the tank or not and am considering...
  8. aceiswild7

    skimmer problems

    i had posted a problem with my berlin XL not collecting enough but now air bubbles arent even coming through at all its just the water going through the towers with no air at all i know i was told to get a better pump which i will but before there were a fair amount of bubbles and it was doing a...
  9. aceiswild7

    tamato clown

    i have a 125 with lots of fish and live rock in it now with one tamato clown that i got because it is very orange i was just at my lfs though and they have a darker one which is larger but has nice blue around the white line and intense red on the border around the fish ... i know clowns fight...
  10. aceiswild7

    berlin skimmer

    i wanted to try an idea today and i hooked the inlet tube for the air into an air pump so that the flow of air would be increased it worked great a little to great though but i noticed it took out a lot of garbage that must have been stuck in the skimmer so i shut it after a few seconds but is...
  11. aceiswild7

    berlin skimmer

    ill get a larger one in a few days thanx for the advice the manual said a 500 gallon pump would work but its not a problem
  12. aceiswild7

    berlin skimmer

    im using a mag drive 500 should i get a bigger one?
  13. aceiswild7

    berlin skimmer

    no i started it turned all open thats what it said to do on the box should i turn down the input of air? or leave it open
  14. aceiswild7

    berlin skimmer

    the air is turned all the way up the specs are as follows i have 2 big overflow bio filters the skimmer (berlin XL) a UV light 15 watts i believe its a 125 gal tank with lots of live and base rock 9 yellow clown gobies 1 green one powder blue tang pair of daimond gobies nox angel coral beauty...
  15. aceiswild7

    seaweed selects

    tried that
  16. aceiswild7

    berlin skimmer

    i hooked up my skimmer about 6 days ago and water seems to be flowing fine and the foam is sometimes rising but nothing has gone over the top into the collection cup and so the level keeps rising and dropping with nothing going out of the skimmer ... why is this not doing anything i cant imagine...
  17. aceiswild7

    seaweed selects

    i recently got the brown and red variety of these dried up seaweeds in hopes of my fish picking at that instead of eating all of the algae which is nice and long and green where it has not been mowed to the point of never knowing it existed before why would my fish not want to eat it? i attached...
  18. aceiswild7

    coral beauty or flame angel?

    i personally have both in my tank along with a nox angel and a swallowtail angel i think the flame looks nicer if i had to pick one but if you decide to go with both just make sure they arent agressive with other fish in the tanks they are presently in and eat well those guidelines have worked...
  19. aceiswild7

    Small Goby for reef recommendations

    while they are not particularly hardy clown gobys are great looking and stay tiny so you could fit a few different variaties in a reef (blue,black,green,brown or even yellow)they are reef safe also
  20. aceiswild7

    Black Percula...?

    thanx sunny i think i am going to get them ill keep everyone posted on how they do