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  1. aceiswild7

    Black Percula...?

    at me lfs they have a small pair of black perculas i have 4 good reference books on fish and up until today i realized none went into any detail about clowns i will have to buy another but until i do can anyone tell me a little about them they seem very healthy and at their size i thought they...
  2. aceiswild7

    Mixing Angles

    i have a 125 with lots of live rock and i have a nox angel, coral beauty, flame angel, and swallowtail or blackspot female angel and they all get along just fine all close in size and well fed might get a bicolor or lemonpeel soon to finish it off but its all a calculated rish when getting...
  3. aceiswild7


    a small one i had was a great pet but got out the back about 6 months after i got it and died just make sure the tank is sealed very well good luck hope you all enjoy the pic :)
  4. aceiswild7

    Slime algae!!!

    i hooked up the skimmer a few hours ago it seems to be running ok but it makes noise which i had thought it silent its a berlin xl also there were two outlets for the return so i just ran two tubes into the sump from the skimmer but hopefully it will work and i can get pics of the system up soon...
  5. aceiswild7

    I want to know about octopi

    nope an octopus can only live alone as far as i know any fish you put with them either try to eat them or get eaten by them they are predators and are very cool when kept alone this is one i had which unfortunatly died
  6. aceiswild7

    Slime algae!!!

    thanx but i meant a reactor i have a skimmer now which i am going to get a pump for today but i was under the impression that the slime algae would be halted with the calcium reactor not the skimmer
  7. aceiswild7

    carpet anemone

    they sell them at most all pet stores with the other frozen foods just get small silver sides the are about 2' and skinny put one on the end of the prong and put the fish on the anemones mouth or the middle of it and if its healthy it will take it from you its kind of cool to watch good luck
  8. aceiswild7

    carpet anemone

    hey you should get a plastic prong and feed it silversides everyother day i do about a small silverside a day and as far as the clown it might not be the right kind of anemone lots of types of carpet anemones
  9. aceiswild7

    Slime algae!!!

    i have had slime algea pop up on some rocks and have bein told a calcium reactor will solve the problem and i have every intention of getting one once the tank is settled and funds replenished but for the time being how can i stop it from spreading without harming the fish and inverts? thanx...
  10. aceiswild7


    i understand i got lucky but i also knew the eels whether you realize it or not they all have their own personalities which you really dont see in fish but in eels you can also as long as you keep them well fed you shouldnt have many problems and you can usually see if there are any fights...
  11. aceiswild7


    i had a 110 with about 15 eels in it and it worked out great for close to a year until i took the tank down for a reef although im not saying it will work for you here are my suggestions from personal experience... a lot of live rock with pvc hidden amongst it with artificial caves of broken...
  12. aceiswild7

    Slime algea

    how do i kill slime algea which popped up in a few pieces of rock which i have taken out of the tank but i know see it on another in the tank without killing inverts and benificial growth? thanx
  13. aceiswild7

    Octopus food......

    i had an octopus which was great for 2 months then escaped i recomend feeding it goldfish and fiddler crabs which are also cheap and can be gotten from any local bait store also uel i suggest you get those fish out ASAP also i have attempted to show a pic of mine which i hope you all enjoy
  14. aceiswild7

    My new tank..any help appreciated..long

    as far ass eels i have no intention of putting any in the tank merely saying they are some of my favorite fish and a few past tanks have been dedicated to them alone, as far as lighting i have 2 double strip lights each with one actinic bulb once the tank gets started i want to go with the...
  15. aceiswild7

    My new tank..any help appreciated..long

    i just set up a 125 reef and while i have had many salt water tanks and smaller reef tanks none ever really lasted due to one problem or another some being totally my fault while others still a mystery. this time i set up a 125 will an overflow which pumps into a giant ehiem which returns to the...