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  1. fishtanker

    ATTN: bang guy

    Originally posted by overanalyzer Bang guy I think it is high time for a detailed post on your 900 lagoon with recent pictures, hardware setup, the whole 9 yards! i agree or i'm going to drive down the thruway and find out for myself :D
  2. fishtanker

    Terry B...Ick question

    thanks for the reply heres the question. i've performed hypo on my display tank twice now (1st time 6weeks 2nd time 3-4weeks) becasue of ich. After the first treatment i didn;t introduce anything new into the tank however "ich" appeard again. So i performed hypo again. Just finished...
  3. fishtanker

    Anyone successful in keeping a tang?

    the smallest tank i housed a tang in was a 55gal for about 3yrs...i think a 40gal would work only for about 6mos and only if the tang was small. i wouldn;t reccommend it though
  4. fishtanker

    Terry B...Ick question

    Hey Terry, I was reseaching "ich" and came across this article that i wanted your opinion on. The authors talks about how he witnessed evidence of "ich" thru skin scrapings of fish that had no visible symptoms for 6mos. Here is the quote: We found on these fish, which had been free of all...
  5. fishtanker

    What is this?

    could be lymphocytis looks like what my LN butterfly had.....common to angels and butterflies. if you do a search on it you'll find some good info.
  6. fishtanker

    Spooks & goblins & ghosts....

  7. fishtanker

    no big deal comment

    I just want to clear up a misunderstanding. on another thread i talked about the death of a damsel as "no big deal" the expression simply meant that with the complex move I was performing I was relieved to only have one "casulty." I was not making light of the situation and simply using a...
  8. fishtanker

    Can't believe what i found today

    i'm constantly amazed with the hardiness of damsels.. back in may i upgraded the sump on my 125gal. In order to do this i had to empty the tank take all the fish, lr, and sand out so i could move the tank. well i got all the fish out except for one green chromis that i couldn't find. i figured...
  9. fishtanker

    Blue-girdled angelfish owners

    I'm interested in getting a Blue girdled (Pomacanthus navarchus) angelfish for my 125gal fowlr. i currently have a 6" hippo tang, 4" achilles tang, 6" yellow boxfish and a spotted hawkfish. i've read that they often hide and i'm curious if anyone has any experience on that? also what size...
  10. fishtanker

    Skittish anthias questions

    i'm by no means an anthia expert but i have read that it takes a couple weeks for anthias to get "comfortable" enough with their sorrundings where they don't hide constantly. i'm not sure with the seahorse question..sammy would probably know that answer. HTH
  11. fishtanker

    minimum tank size for 2+ large angels

    i agree with ozadars...2 large angels will fight in any enclosed system that most of us can provide...very territorial fish. you could keep just 1 in a min. tank size of 150gal IMO
  12. fishtanker

    Clumsy Kole Tang

    i'm not sure if i looks like looks more like damage to his head from "banging" it against the glass. maybe he has "brain damage"...where's the "short bus" :D
  13. fishtanker

    Whats wrong with my tang?

    mine does it all the time..very common when first introtuced as previously posted here's what mine does
  14. fishtanker

    Starfish Acclimation

    i'm no expert but i would think an acclimation of 2-3hours would be ok...CC stars are the more hardier of stars. you might want to post this in the reef forum to get a better answer. HTH
  15. fishtanker

    2nd pic

    very the anemone's :cool:
  16. fishtanker

    urchin Help

    i recently purchased a pink pincushion urchin that i was going to put in my 125gal...after acclimation i put him in the tank and right away my LN butterfly started to pick at the tubes that it uses for movement. after about 5mins i removed the urchin and put it back in the HT/QT. my question is...
  17. fishtanker

    firat frags for my 150

    looks good that naso :cool:
  18. fishtanker

    order of introduction

    i agree...good stocking order
  19. fishtanker

    Tank Complete! All we need now is an upgrade...

    very nice :) ...espically like HQ tuskfish, do you have any snails or crabs in there? i want to get a tusk for my 125gal but am concerned that it will eat the inverts.
  20. fishtanker

    Population question!!!!!!

    with the sizes of the fish now you're at your stocking limit....when those reach adulthood you'll have some serious problems. mixing full size angles is not a good idea becasue they will battle with each other and it won't be pretty i would reccommend getting a skimmer soon and then down the...