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  1. fishtanker

    "How old are You?"

    Brian 28 on Jan 3rd :joy:
  2. fishtanker

    OT: Insurance money

    its not fraud if you collect insurance money for damage to a vechile and use it for something else...fraud would be putting a false claim into an insurance company to collect money.
  3. fishtanker

    OT: Whos watching

    Originally posted by DvSKiN Just taken a snooze, and then BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: Shot in the chest, w/ a 12 guage!!! OO, I love nature.. LoL Just playing! DvS :rotfll:
  4. fishtanker

    OT: Insurance money

    its not illegal..and elfdoc is correct the rims will not be covered for future accidents. the easiest way to go is to settle without using the insurance company. just ask the person if he/she would rather just paying you the 400bones so that their insurance will not go up. thats is what my...
  5. fishtanker

    which tang?

    the already mentioned yellow, purple, kole are all good canadites for a 75gal you can also try a scopas (aka black) tang, looks like a yellow and purple. the mimic tangs (ebli and choclate) would also do well. the final choice would be a convict tang. in regards to the damsel agression...if...
  6. fishtanker

    so - does SIZE matter?? Which is easier

    have a 125gal and had a 10gal nano..the nano was much easier to care for IMO. the 125gal still has algae problems...never had any algae in the nano. i do think the nano was easier becasue of my experience in the hobby.
  7. fishtanker

    My new Passer Angel

    very nice fish!! :D :D :cool:
  8. fishtanker

    OT: Honeymoon Destination

    well if you change your mind on the Carribean then go to Atlantis on Paradise Island bahamas...went there in Feb. for our honeymoon and loved it. Awesome fishtanking experience
  9. fishtanker

    Hey Ryebread

    thanks rye!! :D :cool:
  10. fishtanker

    Hey Ryebread

    whats up...i need to email you a pic so you can shrink it down for an avatar. my email is if you don't want everyone to see your email. thanks brian
  11. fishtanker

    Rio 2100 quit, any ideas

    throw it away and buy a mag drive ;) :D in all seriousness the RIO are know for failing.. i have one on my skimmer and whenever i shut if off it nevers starts back up without me smacking it around. my 2 mag drives have never failed HTH
  12. fishtanker

    getting very upset with hypo

    a FW dip is not cruel and it also has no effect on the treatment of ich. the dip will only kill off some of the ich parasites attached to the fish and not the parasites in the tank that will continue to multiply. the only way hypo can kill your fish is if you do it too quickly (i.e. dropping...
  13. fishtanker

    OT: The Best Public Aquarium?

    Originally posted by wablondie98664 never been here, but this would be my dream vacation:D Atlantis at paradise island bahamas. they have the largest marine habitat exibits in the world. went there for my honeymoon last FEB. its by far the best...
  14. fishtanker

    Cow or Box fish

    Originally posted by Ross Those guys are really cool! The adult one in "The consitous marine aquarist" is really ugly.:eek: Yea i agree on that...there are different types of (ostracion cubucus) aka yellow boxfish i hope mine doesn't turn into that. BTW thanks for all the kind words. The...
  15. fishtanker

    Cow or Box fish

    here's my yellow boxfish...he's about 6-7", had him over a year
  16. fishtanker

    What's in your tanks?

    125gal FOWLR Achilles tang Hippo tang Yellow Boxfish Spotted Hawkfish Yellow watchman goby 55gal (was QT) LN butterfly Fuzzy lion GSM clown (over 5years old!) Royal gramma Chromis Urchins, snails, hermit crab
  17. fishtanker

    UV Sterilizer?

    Originally posted by Armageddon yeah definatly will keep your algae down. But i mean it will sterilize a lot more also. I dont know much about what they will actually eliminate in the water besides parasites but i mean they will keep your water looking awesome. I run one on my pond and it keeps...
  18. fishtanker

    Lion Fish Compatability (55 gal. tank)

    i wouldn't worry about the lion stinging any of the u said it is strictly a defense mechanism. it won't use the stinging rays on the offensive either. a fish could possibly bump into the lion by accident and get stung. i don't think the fish that got stung would die....however it...
  19. fishtanker

    Lion Fish Compatability (55 gal. tank)

    Originally posted by ozadars Miniatus grouper is a good combo w/ a lion but i m sure it will outgrow a 55gal, right? even a red coris can be big for that tank both grow way to big for the confines of a 55gal...might be OK as juvi's, but will outgrow tank fast. IMO a couple dwarf lions (aka...
  20. fishtanker

    I have a story...

    looks like NM has to buy another tank to replace the old one...right? ;)