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  1. fishtanker


    Originally posted by Bang Guy But then, I'm in it for the long haul. I will be disappointed if my Tang doesn't live to be 30 or 40. how old are u going to be when that happens? i think u should put in your will that i get the tang when u croak, along with the lagoon....;)
  2. fishtanker

    Should I LOSE This Rock ?

    they look like yellow polyps too me...harmless.
  3. fishtanker

    Terry B...Ick question

    thanks terry how often should i does and for how long...i'm currently finishing the first week of hypo. should i continue for another 3-4weeks or start with the copper immediately?
  4. fishtanker

    tang size

    Originally posted by Bang Guy I have a different take on that but my opinion fits in well with yours. I believe Tangs grow slower when they are stressed. Placing them in a smaller tank is going to cause significant stress. i agree
  5. fishtanker

    tang size

    i think tangs (and most large fish) grow slower in small hippo tang only grew about an inch in the 2yrs he was in my 55gal. in the past eight months in the 125gal he's grown another inch (7" now) and "bulked up" a bit, the same happened with my boxfish. also both fish look much better...
  6. fishtanker

    looking for a good wavemaker

    is it better to have them alternate for every few minutes? i'm basically trying to replicate "surge zones" for my achilles tang. the tank is a 125gal FOWLR. what would be the best way to set something like this up? like i said i'm ignorant with this stuff ;)
  7. fishtanker

    looking for a good wavemaker

    i want to get a wavemaker on my dispaly tank..i currently have 6 maxi-jets (3 on each end) and want to set up a wavemaker that will alternate each side in 6 hour intervals. i'm not too familiar with wave-makers so any ideas would be very helpful brian
  8. fishtanker

    Hyposalinity killed my Fish??

    very sorry for your loss...what probably happened was that there was a small cycle in the 20gal with the introduction of the fish (which is why you have nitrites a fully cycled tank has no ammonia or nitrites). this put stress on the fish and combined with being moved into a smaller tank casued...
  9. fishtanker

    Want one more fish...which one?

    i really like the bettas as well...i have heard some people say that they have been able to keep them with cleaner shirmp witout problems but also some that couldn't. i guess its hit or miss with them.
  10. fishtanker

    Want one more fish...which one?

    I'm thinking i can get one more fish for my 125gal FOWLR. Current inhabitants are: achilles tang hippo tang yellow box spotted hawfish last fish choices are: clown tang sohol tang bluering angel (annularius sp?) majestic angel regal angel (very diffuclt to keep) lionfish marine betta (comet) I...
  11. fishtanker

    Monday 12 pack

    sweet did that linckia get 7 arms? pretty cool:cool:
  12. fishtanker

    this was in my carry on bag

    GREAT fish dockery :) :cool:
  13. fishtanker

    Tangs in 20l

    by replacing the tangs that die from
  14. fishtanker

    Totally Klingon Bird of Prey - You're not going to believe this

    that was awesome :cool: :cool:
  15. fishtanker

    kent rx*p

    i used it before...took all the inverts out. all the stuff did was give my skimmer a workout, cured nothing. waste of money IMO
  16. fishtanker

    Anyone successful in keeping a tang?

    Originally posted by smoothounds i wouldnt suggest it. I have a couple in a 200 gallon and they swim around allot. I couldnt imagine stuffing them in such a small tank. i agree smoothounds....when i moved my hippo tang from my 55gal to my 125gal i witnessed such a change in behavior. he...
  17. fishtanker

    Terry B...Ick question

    Originally posted by Terry B Do you have another tank in your house that has had ich in it? A: I have a 55gal QT that has a couple fish in it...i havent seen any evidence of "ich" in there How sure you are that it is not something other than ich? It could be something other than ich. Can you...
  18. fishtanker

    Terry B...Ick question

    salinity was b/t 10 and 11ppt, SG was 1.009 at 81deg
  19. fishtanker

    Aquanetic Uv

    aquanetics is out of business....if you need to replace the bulb you can use a corallife mega watt bulb.