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  1. fishtanker

    funny shot 2

    thanks polar its a Olympus Camedia 1.9 megapix...its pretty old i think those shots are in macro mode
  2. fishtanker

    funny shot 2

    this ones a little better
  3. fishtanker

    funny shot 2

    this is the best i have (hard to get a good pic of him)....and of course the box is in it
  4. fishtanker

    funny shot 2

    i always seem to get pics with this guys huge head in the way :)
  5. fishtanker

    Good Sunday mornin'...

    nice looking tanks....NM what types of fish you planning in there? here a Sunday shot
  6. fishtanker

    Here are some pics I just took:

    looks good...espically that yellow tang, nice coloration
  7. fishtanker

    Another feeding idea, but will it work?

    you really dont need to dehydrate can just use ice cube trays and freeze them. that way you'll have individual servings the size you want.
  8. fishtanker

    Hypo ? need answer quick!

    not to hijack this thread but i just lost my dwarf angel today...he was in my display that i'm performing hypo on (salinity 12ppt). he had some whitish faded patches on his body...could this have been becasue of the low salinity? i'm 2 weeks into the hypo
  9. fishtanker

    Dead Dory

    i agree that i probably was a cave in...if there were no external signs of disease or damage then he might of ahd some internal damage. sorry to hear about your loss. Hippo's are awesome fish
  10. fishtanker

    Attack Galaxy.......

    wow...thats amazing, i didn't know sweepers could extend that far
  11. fishtanker

    My Hawkfish found a new spot to perch

    thats a nice arc eye
  12. fishtanker

    Better penguin bashing game!!!

    1158 ft...oh yea
  13. fishtanker

    Box Fish/ Cow fish

    i have two large tangs in with my box and feeding is not a problem. however mine is a good sized box...i don;t know how one of those very small boxes (1/2"-1") would do in a tank with tangs
  14. fishtanker

    Box Fish/ Cow fish

    i've had my yellow box for a year or so now...the posioning isn't very common at all, usually its the blue box that has a tendency to do that. i never had the problem with the powerheads but you will need a large tank for an adult. mines about 6" now and still growing. very fun fish...lets me...
  15. fishtanker

    Carpet Surfing

    well this morning i found my 3year old royal gramma dried up on the floor about 1 foot from the tank. apparently he tried his hand at "carpet surfing" and failed . i think my spotted hawkfish gave him a little "push"...he was always harassing him. i never thought it would make him suicidal...
  16. fishtanker

    How much store credit would i get for my naso tang.

    Originally posted by gixxer1000 Hes gone I seen him today at the store i swore that he reconized me maybe im going crazy. ceo job so. its funny you say that...i once returned a bluehead wrasse to my lfs ands a couple days later i was back at the store.when i approached the tank the wrasse...
  17. fishtanker

    Urchin pics

  18. fishtanker

    Urchin pics

    i agree
  19. fishtanker

    Where in NY are you?

    Cohoes, ny...10 miles north of Albany
  20. fishtanker

    Sammy and/or Rye

    i'm with you jlem...i've been around a while and only have around 350posts i'm on here multiple times a day :notsure: maybe i should put my 2cents in more often