Originally posted by fshhub
sorry, what i wanted to say
as to hippos, . thye are even noted for lying upside down and sideways wedged under or in a rock.
i can attest to that...here's an old pic of mine. i call it "playing dead":D
here's my new DIY canopy for the 125gal.
a friend of mine had some oak leftover from his stand so we built this for my 400wt MH and 2x96wt pc's.
its suspended from brackets on the wall.
i'll put up regarding my tap water experiences...i started out 6 years using tap water. i only really had FOWLR over the years and most of my fish seemed OK with the tap water.
It wasn't until almost 2 years ago when i purchased an Achilles tang and for the first year and a half i had constant...
Another update today...
last night i noticed that the spots on the hippo tang became a lot smaller than the previous dayand then were gone this morning. that was exactly 48 hours from the initial "sighting" of spots that they were gone.
the boxfish has one new spot on his pectoral fin that...
I'm not Beth or Terry...but i'll tell you what i've experienced and researched.
I've hypo'd my display i tihkn 4 times in the year now (had some bad luck with ich, mostly my fault) and my fish have shown no negative effects.
i've read that there were some experiments where angelfish were kept...
An update this morning...the boxfish's two spots that appeared yesterday are gone today.
The hippo tang has the same spots execpt today that look more "fuzzy" but still the same size.
the achilles tang looks the same with only one spot and some white "blothches" (not raised) on his pectoral...
Hey Terry
the fish that was in the QT tank was a blue damsel that i had to hold for a friend of mine becasue he was moving his tank. it was in there for a week then was sent back to my friend.
I do QT all fish fish for a least 4 weeks but haven't added any new fish in a while.
i will send you...
i was just going to wait it out for a week and see if it comes back worse.
do you reccomend anything? maybe a dip or some maracyn?
i have some pics i can email if you want...when i shrink them down for this site you cant really see anything.
hey Beth,
the SG 1.008-.009...i'm not %100 sure its ich. about 2 weeks into hypo i noticed both tangs got a small (pen point), white, almost fuzzy spot. the spots lasted almost 2 weeks and neither one changed in size until finally disappearing. i shugged them off as either lympho or a bacterial...
i just finished hypo'ing my tank for ich. the salinity (not SG) was at 12-13ppt for a period of 5 weeks. i checked the salinity daily and made sure the refractometer was calibrated properly.
i removed my inverts (3 urchins and a few snails) out of the display for the entire hypo treatment and...