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  1. fishtanker

    Im tired of hearing this...

    what i think happens when u put a fish, that can grow large (tangs, full size angels, puffers etc), in smaller tanks is that their growth gets stunted due to stress. also their immune system breaks down so they continuely get sick and their color never looks good which is a sure sign that a fish...
  2. fishtanker

    ich again

    Originally posted by gonfishin I had a royal gramma with ich and no QT set up at the time. LFS suggested raising temp in tank to 85 for a week. All the ich disappeared with in 48 hrs with no harm to other fish or inverts. What is others opinions on this method? that works for FW ich...
  3. fishtanker

    Frag Tank soon to set-up?

    Hey YellowTail, Are you going to come to are next CapitalReefs meeting? Its on Sat. May8th at 3pm in Colonie. email me if you want details Matt from Eddies is supposed to be coming to work on discounts for club members. Brian
  4. fishtanker


    i successfully cured HLLE on my achilles tang by switching from tap water to RO/DI. i also added more Zoe, Selcon and Vitamin C (Kent Marine C) to the food. I switched from roasted nori to Julian Sprungs Sea Veggies. The HLLE cleared up in less than 1 month. HLLE is usually from a poor diet and...
  5. fishtanker

    UV sterlizers

    UV will only kill Ich in its free swimming stage when it passes through the UV chamber. The catch is that the free swiming stage is alos the infectious stage. So if a free swimming parasite attaches to a fish that means it didn't go through the UV and the lifecycle continues. The odds are...
  6. fishtanker fish acting weird..

    actually the chances of a boxfish releasing its toxin is extremely rare. its more of "an old wives tale" and usually its the blue boxfish that will do it. you are correct that technically i am risking the other fish in corals in the tank by housing a boxfish but i just cant pass up on their...
  7. fishtanker fish acting weird..

    you'll need to post acutal readings from your test kits for anyone to give you some help. one thing i can tell you is that you need to feed your boxfish a couple times a day. boxfish aren't able to sustain themselves without a constant supply of food. i feed my boxfish a lot of different food...
  8. fishtanker

    How can this be? Beth or Terry i need help

    and last one. All the fish are eating very well, not scratching or "flashing", breathing normal, and have deep color the spots usually are in the same place: pectoral fins or the Achilles pectoral and caudal fins of Boxfish a couple on the body of the Hippo i also felt the spots on the boxfish...
  9. fishtanker

    How can this be? Beth or Terry i need help

    Thanks Beth and Terry my water parameters are amm and nitrite 0 nitrate 5-10ppm ph 8 SG 1.023 (salinity 33ppt) temp 80 i feed my own recipe of squid, mussel, shrimp, nori, and octopus blended with Zoe, Selcon, and Vitamin C Also regular sheets of nori every other day i'm not a big fan of dips or...
  10. fishtanker

    How can this be? Beth or Terry i need help

    another update...its been 5 days since my last post and the spots have "cycled" through the fish 3 different times. What i mean by that is spots have appeared on the same 3 fish (box and tangs) shrunk down and disappeared within 24hours. this has happened 3 different times within 5days and only...
  11. fishtanker

    Longnose Butterfly - reef safe?

    my LN butterfly doesn't bother any of my corals. i have him housed with a leather, some shrooms, GSP's , and a BTA. the only thing that he picked at was one of my urchins and that was only for the first couple hours. HTH
  12. fishtanker

    Some New Corals

    and some Xenia...might have to move it into less flow area. It doesn't look happy
  13. fishtanker

    Some New Corals

    Leather...i think its a finger but i'm not sure. any idea?
  14. fishtanker

    Some New Corals

  15. fishtanker

    Some New Corals

    Just added some new corals that i got from some members of my reef club enjoy :)
  16. fishtanker

    Bare Bottom Tanks

    thanks skilos...looks good i'm not sure i agree with the stress thing with bare bottom tanks. on;y a few sources have stated that. i mean in the ocean some fish will live there whole lives over a reef legde with no bottom in sight. i think i'll either secure some white construction paper...
  17. fishtanker

    Bare Bottom Tanks

    was your tank setup as a bare bottom? do you notice any stress on the fish? i've read from some people that the fish will get streesed out without a substrate. i didn;t notice any stress but its only been a day since i converted and only about 50% of the bottom is showing. i guess when the...
  18. fishtanker

    Bare Bottom Tanks

    i was wondering who out there goes Bare Bottom on their tank? what are your opinions on it? has it helped to keep waste in suspension. i sucked out about 80% of my southdown this weekend so that i could direct powerheads on the bottom to keep the fish waste ( ihave a lot of it) in the current...
  19. fishtanker

    new DIY hood

    here's a pic from above..i'll get a pick of the lights tonight when they are off. the MH is in the center and the 2 96pc's are running in the front and back.