Search results

  1. leopard_babe


    maybe the bi-color brought something in. I treat my tank with greenex. it is invert safe. It has worked for me. take the temperature of the tanke, and the ph at 3 different times during the day. i noticed that when i wake up the water was colder by 6 degrees then at night. This change was...
  2. leopard_babe

    update on damsel ID

    i don't think that is an azure damsel fish. this is a picture of an azure damsle fish...
  3. leopard_babe

    update on damsel ID

    Damsels are aggressive. I had 2 like that. They were real pals. they were not aggressive, I think because they were a pair. My lfs called them blue damsels. Actually, I think mine was a blue devil damsel. Your fish has the same color, but does not have the black markings that mine had. I...
  4. leopard_babe

    New But Familar W/SaltWater Bf has one

    many people ask this question. do a search, on starting a new tank. You will find everything you need to start a new tank there. I am not an expert, but a 10 gallon is kind of small. The smaller the tank, the harder it is to keep the levels balanced. HTH leopard
  5. leopard_babe

    water change

    Do you have a hydrometer? When the water evaporates out of the tank the salt stays in the tank. You need to get a hydrometer and see what the salinityis in your tank. I like mine at 1.024. i think the recommended level is beween 1.020-1.025. I believe ideally you want it to be like...
  6. leopard_babe

    curing LR

    Let me verify this. You cured your liverock in the garage. Then you put it in the tank? Now you say the water in the tank has high nitrites, or the water that was with the liverock? If the water in the tank has high nitrites, then your tank is in the process of cycling. I would just wait...
  7. leopard_babe

    yellow tang

    Tangs can get pretty big, I think that a 50 is probably to small. I BELIEVE (not sure) that a yellow tank needs like a 70 or proably bigger. They could start off in a 55, but would have to be moved to a bigger tank as it got older. My hippo tang was the size of a quarter when I got it, and...
  8. leopard_babe


    Ick has a cause. Whether it is flexuating Ph, high nitrates. Ick can also be caused by stressed fish. Did you clean your tank, or add a new fish? Maybe a new fish brought something in, or one of your fish are stressing out the others. We need to know a little more about your tank to help...
  9. leopard_babe

    Cardinal help

    I will try that. They were so hungry this morning that they ate the brine shrimp. I am going to go and get some scallops when I go out to the store. Thanks for the help banguy, Leopard
  10. leopard_babe


    No he was not skinny, he was about as thick as a quarter. And the owner told me he was just a baby. This is what I am talking about...
  11. leopard_babe

    Cardinal help

    Scallops like from the grocery store? I have never bought any seafood from the grocery store ever. What kind of scallops? i don't know anything about them. I appreciate the help. Chopped clam and muscle? man when I bought these fish i didn't know that I was going to have to be a gorument...
  12. leopard_babe

    Cardinal help

    I have 2 cb bangaii cardinals. I am having a hard time feeding them. They are to the point where they should be starving. They still won't eat. They won't eat: emerald entree plankton spectrum pellets brine shrimp they were out of mysis shrimp at the store. Someone said chopped clam and...
  13. leopard_babe

    Sea horses ?

    Seahorses should only be kept with other seahorses, and pipefish. they really should be kept is species only tanks. PLEASE visit the site They are very knowlegdable and very helpful. I hve done ALOT of research on these creatures. I have decided to set my tank up in the...
  14. leopard_babe


    If I had to guess... I would say maybe 70ish somewhere in there. The one at my LFS was rather big. I would not put the eel that I saw in my 46. She was very long, and fat. I am NO eel expert. That is just a low guess. If it gets almost 2 feet, I would say that it needs a fairly big tank.
  15. leopard_babe


    Your welcome. I just thought that I would let you know that this is not out of the ordinary, because it happens to be everyday. Now that I have tricked him, he has a hard time eating my snails.
  16. leopard_babe

    New puffer

    Your tank looks so cool. Does the mantis bother the puffer, or lion?
  17. leopard_babe


    Yes, you should be worried about your other snails. I spot feed mine and he still eats the clean up crew. Do a search on my user name and type in cc star. My star is a DEVIL. He ate my entire clean up crew in a matter of a week. i had at least 30 snails. you could try trochus snails, they...
  18. leopard_babe

    Domino Damsel

    NO. I had a domino damsel name ... (not site appropriate). He killed a copperbanded butterfly in 1 hour. He just kept biting her until she died. I flushed him, because no LFS would take him back. Most people would tell you how terrible that is, but if I would stick my hand in the tank he...
  19. leopard_babe

    Which Fish to Add First?

    Sounds like a nice set up. Your working list sounds very good!!! The clowns would be a good first addition. I would add the lemon peel last. Angels tend to be a little aggressive. I added my Eibli angel last, and she kicked the scooter blenny out of his hinding spot. She is such a pig she...
  20. leopard_babe


    I believe about 20 inches. here is some info: Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons (I don't agree with that) Care Level: Easy Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12 Temperament: Semi-aggressive Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 1' 8" Reef Compatible: With Caution Diet...