Search results

  1. leopard_babe

    New Tank ?'s

    After cycling your new tank, add one of those fish at a time. Re-acclimate them, as if they were new fish. You don't want to add them al at once, it can cause your tank to spike. That is alot of fish for a 30 gallon. I would add the biggest, most non aggressive fish first.
  2. leopard_babe

    List Your Fish.

    46 bowfront, indo pacific sand 60 lbs, and 50 lbs of liverock. 1 scooter blenny 1 LBM 1 Eibli angel 2 Bangaii cardinals 1 CC starfish 1 Pencil urchin 2 orange footed snails 180 (work in progress) 1 coming soon cortez sting ray 4 green chromis (going in the 46) * and then i ran out of money, and...
  3. leopard_babe

    Leopard Babe

    Aww.. you guys are too sweet. Maybe tomorrow I will add a recent pix. In Rye bread thread. till tomorrow...
  4. leopard_babe

    Sea horses ?

    hey killa, long time no talk. I am gonna set my seahorse tank up in july. That way it can be cycled by august.
  5. leopard_babe


    I "rinse" my food before. I don't know if that is the same thing as in presoak. get a net, drop the food in, run under COLD water. Then putit in the tank. You should do that will all frozen food. HTH Leopard PS- It keeps your nitrates down
  6. leopard_babe

    Leopard Babe

    Hey that was so MY question. Just kidding . Someone asking ME a question, WOW I must know some useful information. Ahhh... moderators look out I am moving on up. JK. So Pacopetty, did rzor answer your questions. So I am cute huh??? Thanks, if you have more questions let me know. I am...
  7. leopard_babe

    top 10 fav fishies

    From what you've read what get sucked into the filter? If you are talking about puffers, then I would say they are curious, and they explore, but getting sucked up??? I have never heard of that. I would think that they are to big. Unless you are talking about another kind of fishthat someone...
  8. leopard_babe

    Shark Pics, new tank pics

    That is a great picture of the leopard shark. I wish I had a shark tank. :thinking: hmm... Maybe some day
  9. leopard_babe

    Aggressive Setup

    That is exactally what I was trying to say. Mike you put it so simply. The perfect set up would be one that you never have to clean. It just cleans it self. That would be the perfect setup.
  10. leopard_babe


    That looks just like the ghost moray I was thinking of. He looks pretty fat. It looks just like the one I saw at the LFS. He fits in your 29??? I would have thought that they would need a bigger tank then that. Hmm.. the things you learn.
  11. leopard_babe

    Guess what this is....

    looking down the whole of the sponge in a wet/dry filter. Ohh I like this game.
  12. leopard_babe

    Why are purple nudibranch so hard to keep?

    In general they have a short life span. They often get caught in power heads. My fish think that they are tasty snacks. They nip them once and then they hid or die. When some die they release toxins and can kill the tank, or raise your levels. Just a few reasons. They look so cool, but not...
  13. leopard_babe

    top 10 fav fishies

    Porcupine puffer, greatest personality, not a good picture. No more hair algea like in this pix.
  14. leopard_babe

    Cleaning up diatom outbreak and water changes

    If your tank is new, then this is normal, and it will eventually go away. do you use ro water? that can help. But diatoms are a part of a new tank. Mine went away in about 2 months. Leopard
  15. leopard_babe

    the whole tank is freakin out now!

    Get a 2 liter pop bottle. Cut the top off. Where the label starts. Flip the top part you have cut off upside down. to the part that you would pour from is face down in the bottle. Put some food in there. The damsel will be curious and swim in. It will not be able to swim out due to the...
  16. leopard_babe


    Good catch mail man... I am rather new to saltwater, but i thought that you weren't supposed to use undergrvel filters? I also thought that airstones were bad, but that might just be for seahorses. I forget :rolleyes:
  17. leopard_babe


    I would use that greenex, and see if it helps you. i don't lower my slainity. If you ick is bad yuo can do that. Did you say that you use tap water and treat it? I have done that. That could perhaps be your problem. Maybe you could find a place that sells RO water. Meijer sells it for 39...
  18. leopard_babe

    Aggressive Setup

    Do you have any idea what you want? there is really no such thing as a "perfect setup". i mean people have tanks that I look at and I think that they are perfect. You should list some fish that you like, and we can tell you our experiences, and if they are compatible. HTH Leopard
  19. leopard_babe

    I'm Back

    Congrats on your safe return!!!! Welcome back to saltwater fish. My camera stinks, so I am not going to post any pictures. Sorry, about that. Just wanted to greet you and say hello Leopard
  20. leopard_babe


    Is it a reef? Do you have inverts? you can try that greenex. ick will continually come back unless you find out what is causing it. My angel got ick the other day. I think that my nitrates were to high for her. I also cleaned the tank for the first time since I added her. I thought maybe...