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  1. harndog

    camera test

    excellent pic of the shrimp I have so much trouble getting good pics of my shrimp.
  2. harndog

    Coraline Alage turning white?

    mine did this when I switch to MH all but the really thick stuff on the glass turned white and fell off the thick stuff and on the rocks is still going good and i am starting to get regrowth again
  3. harndog

    An Interesting Peice of Livestock

    Just sitting here thinking about this I do think the kid should be taught a lesson he obvisouly knew that keeping the thing is wrong. I don't know if I would have turned him in though. I may have you just don't know until you are in that situation. Good for you Skiutah for doing what you...
  4. harndog

    Is Something Burning?? Mh Owners!!!

    mine did smell new now I don't smell a thing a month later. Think it was just the plastic and the fans more than the MH
  5. harndog

    New MH unit - suggestions on acclim

    Problem with MH you have to run them 4 to 6 hours for break in so I chose to mount them and run them 4 You can place some plexiglass on top of the tank to cut back on strength as well. or eggcrate
  6. harndog

    New MH unit - suggestions on acclim

    I went from 260 CL pc to 2 150 de mh and 4 65 w pc atinics. I ran my atinics for 12 hours everyday. I ran them 6 hours then the mh 4 hour the first day and the atinics 6 hours after. The next day went up to 5 hours on mh then 6 and that is as long as I run them. Had to place some shrooms and...
  7. harndog

    72 gl Bow Pics

    Loves the SPS!!!!! At times I wish I had chose to do SPS instead of softies and LPS but at least I can see mine move in the current more lol. Nice tank man MAybe I need a 4th tank :notsure: :notsure:
  8. harndog

    Just some Random Pictures

    I like it. looks good just wait until it's loaded with corals that rock work will be awsome. Great tank. Those Tangs are going to love thier new home
  9. harndog

    Ordering from this site?

    I have ordered twice and everything has been great. No probs at all. Also have recieved more than what was supose to both times. this may be due to them saying the item was bigger than what they sent though. I will take 3 toadstools anyday and 2 colt frags instead of one who wouldn't...
  10. harndog

    new pics lets hear your thoughts

    I am in Tulsa area let me know. I can send e-mail if you are close.
  11. harndog

    Tang with Ick-Best Treatment??

    Bob did you guys just use kick ich or did you take other precautions? What temp did you run your tank at? I have a hippo in a 175 with a d sailfin and a 150 lbs of lr as well as hermits and some snails. I am affraid catching her and putting in a smaller QT would just cause her to stress more...
  12. harndog

    new pics lets hear your thoughts

    Thanks guys. As for the dom damsel he has a place to go when he gets to his full size. I will place him in my 175 FOWLR aggressive tank. By then the GSM will be an adult as well and most likley she will rule this tank. I may even add her a little friend/mate once she is done growing. The...
  13. harndog

    My first pics and tank.

    looks like a good start to me. I would say it may be a spagetti leather but not real sure. It sure don't look like my colts. Nice tank though. If may suggest that you bring your rcok work up. Make some caves and such. Unless you plan to add more.
  14. harndog

    oceanic 140 aggressive tank

    Puffer I am no longer in the car biz but Have sold in the past. It is a very lucrative biz if you like to be there all the time. I would say to become a manager you would have two options go to school for biz management and go sale at dealership while in school to get your foot in the door...
  15. harndog

    Size of QT for tangs

    I have a 175 display but it has about 150 lbs of LR. I bought a sailfin about 6 inches and a hippo about 5 inches from the lfs. The sailfin has been in there system for almost a year in about a 40 gal tank and is doing really well in her new home. The hippo however has ich. Now it's in my...
  16. harndog

    oceanic 140 aggressive tank

    I don't know if it is right but I would have did the same thing. Just watch your water test daily for at least 2 weeks and do water changes as needed. You should be ok.
  17. harndog

    oceanic 140 aggressive tank

    I edit my post I must have been typing at the same time as you sorry
  18. harndog

    oceanic 140 aggressive tank

    It sure looks like it but surley he is not that carless. That is a brand new tank. Edit (well under the circumstance guess I can see your point puffer.)
  19. harndog

    do you leave MH lights on all the time

    I run 260 w pc atinics from 9 until 11 then two 150 w de mh with the atinics until 5 pm then the 2 60 atinics until 7. My corals are growing like crazy my electric bill is less and my water temp does not change much at all. This is on a 75 gallon. You really only need 4 hours but I like to...
  20. harndog

    Need help with id of this coral

    So it is xenia cool. Just not the pulsating kind. I have some of that to go to the pic forum and check them out have full tank pics also.