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  1. harndog

    Need help with id of this coral

    got the rock and not sure what it is it seems to multiply pretty quick.
  2. harndog

    new pics lets hear your thoughts

    Thanks JCRIM I really didn't know what I was doing when I started this thing about 14 months ago and bought 3 damsels to cycle with at the advice of the LFS. the Dom and the YT made it. I then added the GSM and an LTA and from there I started buying corals. After a year I bought the Madrian...
  3. harndog

    new pics lets hear your thoughts

    I did some rearranging and got some new things. Let me know what you guys think???
  4. harndog

    Found my Royal Gramma

    I got this guy last week from this site on Thursday after acclimation I placed him in the tank and never saw him again after he went under some rock on the left side of the 75 reef. Today I was taking some pics of the shrooms on the far right side and he popped out from behind them. I was so...
  5. harndog

    what happened to my shroom!!

    My reds did that when I switch to MH. Coule be that the new lights are just a lot brighter at first. I moved my reds down to bottom of the tank and the color came back. It's wierd that only one would do it though???
  6. harndog

    check out this guys

    I have not had any issues with them. They do real good about cleaning up food that slipps intorock crevices or under rocks that the,crabs don't find.
  7. harndog


    Yes it could cause small spike in nitrates. You removed a lot of good bacteria that helps break down everything. Also in removing the rock did you stir up the substrate? If so this for sure can cause nitrates to raise.
  8. harndog

    Which is the best way to get rid of ich???

    on the garlic extreme do you use more than they say??? It recomends one or two drops per cube of food. And have you had any success with this if so what? I have a hippo with a little ich and would prefer to go all natrual
  9. harndog

    what type of plant is this.

    My tangs so far has not touched it.
  10. harndog

    UV steralizer opinions

    The system in young but it is a 175 gal with RO/DI water 20x turnover 150 pounds of LR out of a tank that had been up for 14 years. I treated the LR like a fish acclimated it and everything in my tubs. The Blue tang and sailfin are the only two fish in the system and I asked on her multiple...
  11. harndog

    Step by step - fragging GSP

    So GSP sting other corals huh??? great one of the rock I got has GSP SPS and Zoas all on the same rock. My Xenia moved a little close to the rock and 2 or 3 of the ZOAS started closing up I thought it was the Xenia but now know it could be GSP's Glad I have another huge colony of those Zoas...
  12. harndog

    Critter In Liverock Causing Me Grief

    get some of that putty used to stick lr together and place it over the hole within an hour or two it will be hard and he can no longer get through the hole.
  13. harndog

    check out this guys

    he is in my aggressive I also have about a 6 or 7 inch on in my reef no probs at all from him. just good at cleaning up if the fish miss anything
  14. harndog

    UV steralizer opinions

    By no means have I slacked off do to the uv. The fish was QT at my LFS but my LR came from another source. I did not QT becuase it was the first fish in the system anyway and it seems to me the qt would only stress the fish more since it was already done at my LFS. I may be wrong about this.
  15. harndog

    UV steralizer opinions

    This is probably just commercial hoopla but supposidly the coralife unit with the twist prolongs exposer to the uv light and help eliminate some of the problems with turn over on large tanks. I bought one. will it work????? I hope. I use a 230 gph on a 175 tank and placed it in my final...
  16. harndog

    the king of all woms

    I do remember that now that was in the 800 gal tank in OR right. Crazy huge. I have about a 6 " in my 75 reef that does a hell of a job cleaning up extra food the fish don't get to. I think these things are worth keeping around. Was that a bristle worm though?
  17. harndog

    the king of all woms

    He is in what will be a aggressive tank. So between the eel,lionfish,puffer, HT or Grouper of some type I am not sure he will make it. Until then he will be a good clean up crew for those messy eaters
  18. harndog

    here are some photo of my 125

    a little diferent approach than most but I like it. nix the clown and get your some sea horses they would love that thing.