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  1. harndog

    favorite shark

    JR you seem like a nice kid with great aspiration's but listen when I am telling you. You will get much further in life if you listen and pay attention to your elders. I don't know if you really can afford a 10,000 gallon tank. ( I have been to your hometown and there are for sure people who...
  2. harndog

    Peppermint shrimp

    I bought 10 off of for my 75 reef had some aptasia and they cleaned it out in two days and all of them are growing and doing fine in the reef. I do have about 125 lbs of rock and tank has been up for 14 months. I would not put more than 10 I really only wanted about 5 but the 10 was a...
  3. harndog

    1 gallon SW tank??

    I got a 1 gallon cube for my desk at work. My wife got it for me for Christmas. I got a little hydro heater and it has a hob filter with a crbon floss filter. Going to set it up with a few shrooms and maybe some green zoes a p shrimp and a hermit crab. Should be a cool little addition to my...
  4. harndog

    Thoughts on new fish Please

    The only info I can find on the foxface lo says 70 and she has a 65 with a lot of open space do to light load on lr I think she would be fine. Minimum Tank Size: 70 gallons Care Level: Easy Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12 Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 9" Color...
  5. harndog


    My p shrimp do it everytime I am in the tank playing around. I would be scared of the CBS them dudes have some pinchers
  6. harndog

    My new

    hob filters with carbon will clear cloudy water faster than anything.
  7. harndog

    Starting reef

    forgot to add my aggressive is a 175 BF all it has att is two tangs but will have a lion and an eel within a month or two
  8. harndog

    Starting reef

    make the 55 a nice little reef and get a 125 or 150 for the lion tang eel and what ever other aggressive fish you want. The tang needs 6 feet swimming room anyway. The 55 will make a nice reef and stock it with a few small basslets or reef safe wrasse. thats what I did. the 75 is a full...
  9. harndog

    pics of the new hippo and 1 of the sailfin

    I forgot to mention I have soaked every cube in Garlic extreme and have been feeding then twice a day the cubes and some flake I have for the 3rd feeding. So the uv is worthless you say? What the heck are they good for then? I do have a susper skimmer that is working well. Also have carbon...
  10. harndog

    Thoughts on new fish Please

    I have found you can use the hydrometer you have to make sure all of the bubbles are off of the float. I have tested a coralife against a refractometer and as long as the bubbles are gone the hydrometer is right on. If you can't get the refractometer now at least have the LFS check you SG as well.
  11. harndog

    Thoughts on new fish Please

    After placing new water in the tank just test and make sure all is good and you should be good to go. I would at least add the water though your hob filter less diturbance this way. Thats what I do in my 15 gal. I would get rid of all of the damsels. He will be fine with LMB. Also unless...
  12. harndog

    48" 520 watt Orbit Extreme PC Lighting

    I have a systen set up very simular with 2 150 w de halides and my tank may rise by half a degree during the day. I do have a open top and lots of movement though. Word to the wise keep you shrroms down low or in the shade though.
  13. harndog

    Thoughts on new fish Please

    here is a link They are cool fish just very timid so you will wnat to add him fisrt so he can get his teritory set up. Also it will solve your BF wanting a Tang as he sorta looks like one and he is Venomous for that wow factor lol. As much...
  14. harndog

    Picture of Tank as it evolved.....

    it's dead lr rock or limestone. and yes you need to cure it. I responded to you fish list thread hope it helps.
  15. harndog

    Thoughts on new fish Please

    Hello again lol You can add fish such as the any small reef safe wrasse's, royal gramma, small dwarf angels, fox face lo (cool fish) if you keep any Dmasels only keep a YT the Dom Damsels are real aggressive sorta restricts the other species you can have. A nice colorful fish list would be like...
  16. harndog

    Picture of Tank as it evolved.....

    cool I know what you mean about sticker shock on LR it's crazy expensive in most places. I have seen it for 2.50 a pound on some websites though. I can't even think about the money we spend. I just look at this way. Me and my boys 2years and 9 months old as well as my wife enjoy the tanks...
  17. harndog

    big fish??

    Haven't ever seen one but they do exsist. Try and find a gold damsel They will be aggressive enough to hang with the GSM and they get to like 6 inches. Maybe a dom damsel as well. these fish get to 6 inches and are a solid black fish. You need to look for aggressive fish at least semi...
  18. harndog

    Picture of Tank as it evolved.....

    looking good man. Are you going FOWLR or are you going to try and do a reef setup? If you are doing the Reef may look into finding some older tanks in the area that have been up for awhile and see about getting some good cured lr. I bought a 135 with corals and all for 1000 and sold the tank...
  19. harndog

    This website is awsome!!!!

    Just to make it a little clear. I have 3 tanks 75 reef that has been up over a year very few fish. Just a GSM YT Damsel and Dom Damsel. Added a spotted mandrian a month ago. The Gramma is the last fish for this tank. I am all about spacing fish out no way should you add more than 2 at one...
  20. harndog

    This website is awsome!!!!

    Anyone on the line about ordering from the net can feel safe to order from here. I have ordered twice and have been pleasantly surprised both times. Got my free snails today as well as a colt coral( which had two stalks thank you SWF.COM) A free CBS for my return customer order. 100+ shells...