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  1. harndog

    pics of the new hippo and 1 of the sailfin

    Thanks for comment guys and pointers. I have taken every precation as far as ich goes I so hope I do not have to deal with it. I bought an 18 w uv for the 175 and am feeding emerald entries and julian sprungs dried seawed which the both love. she also just comes out to eat and will wonder out...
  2. harndog

    post pics of nice colorful tanks.

    That is one of my green splash they are huge about 3 or so inch's in diameter. there is also green stripes on that same rock. The 3rd pic is a bucnh of eagle eye zoos I have also added these since then.
  3. harndog

    Too much flow??

    In my 75 reef I have 3 mj1200's two with hydro flow 290 x3 attacments an emperor 400 which is 400 gph no bio wheels. and my wetdry skimmer uses a rion 600 for input and an 800 to add water back into the tank not sure on flow for them. has been up over a year and doing well. The 175 I just set...
  4. harndog

    pics of D. sailfin and hippo

    the sailfin is about 6 or 7 inches and the hippo is 4 or 5. couple of dory hiding in her new home. These are the only fish in my 175 BF att
  5. harndog

    pics of the new hippo and 1 of the sailfin

    here are a few pics the sailfin is out more but is hard to get a good pic of lol. fish where added Sunday night all is good thus far first fish in the tank. Let me know what you think
  6. harndog

    How to acclimate sea stars

    Well the star is a Red General Star. My wife wanted it for our FOWLR. Att we only have two med to large Tangs Hippo and Sailfin. I should get him tommorrow from this website. The tank parm are all perfect. Thanks for the info
  7. harndog

    How to acclimate sea stars

    How do you get them in your tank without putting the shipping water into your tank? You cannot allow them to be exposed to air correct?
  8. harndog

    This sucks

    it's done up north a lot due to the temp range. Copper is a lot less likley to freeze and bust during the winter months. Has nothing to do with being smarter. That said most new house in okie land are also done with copper/pvc combo. Just spend 200 on a good ro/di and be done with it. You...
  9. harndog

    Adding a med size blue hippo to 175

    They are in a doing good the Blue will come out and eat in fact she ate emerlad Entries the first night. Shoudl I feed them a block of this 3 times a day? It blows around and they catch it as it comes by but some goes into the overflows. Also I bought some dried green seaweed and the sailfin...
  10. harndog

    Got my new tangs this weekend have some feeding ??

    Ok got my Blue hippo and red sea sailfin tangs this weekend. Both are already eating Emerald Entries. They are doing good so far comming out swimming around. I have a couple of questions though. How soon if they where to get ich would it start showing up? The Sailfin has been in the LFS for...
  11. harndog

    cleaning crew in a predator tank

    I just bought a few inverts for my 175 aggressive tank. I added 20 blue legs from the get go. Got 20 more red scarlets tonight 20 trochus snails (for free) 2 queen conchs. Colt coral to dress it up a bit more. (I have pc lights.) Att only have 2 Tangs a 4 or 5 inch Hippo and a 6 or 7 inch...
  12. harndog

    Hydro FLO Attachment to Powerhead

    If you can run your inflow through a sponge it will tank care of your tiny bubbles also the hydroflows will at first realease some bubbles due to air being caught inside them when you place them in the tank and since they spin so slow it can remain insode for a little while. Make sure you clean...
  13. harndog

    Sand Cleaner?

    To answer Mermaiden add a couple or 4 hemit crabs in two days they have cleaned my 15 gal simular set up totally clean. also nas snails work good and are small have fun.
  14. harndog

    Let's See those X-Mas Trees!

    I have about 5 or 6 christmass trees this season.. lol
  15. harndog

    Do you hang or mount your MH lights?

    Well I have to 75 gal tank but have 2 x 150 de mh and 4 65 watt atinics mounted about 8 to 10 inches above water. temp is a cool 78 79 degrees at all times. I do have about 20 x turnover. here is a pic.
  16. harndog

    Favorite Fish!!!!!!!!

    I would have to say my little spotted madrian att.
  17. harndog

    Emperor and other new fish

    Nice set up. Just curious I have a 175 getting ready to add the first fish a sailfin and a hippo both about 4 to 5 inches long. I also want to add a SF eel and a lion also a df puffer. A lot of people seem to think this is pushing the limits. You have at least that many fish in your 125 am I...
  18. harndog

    calling all ro/di people

    Yep about any of them could be attached to your sink I would think with the right plumbing. My Kent Maxima came with a garden hose adapter and I just had to go to LFS and by an adapter that screws into the kitchen sink and the other side was threads for garden hose. works good just make sure...
  19. harndog

    vermiculated ANGEL!! has to go

    Put a piece of Coral on the hook???? lol No for real try the two littler bottle fish trap thing. Put his fav food in there and leave it as long as it takes. I think you have changed my mind about getting one of these for my reef thank you your pain and suffering has at least paid off in...
  20. harndog

    How Much Money Is Everyone Into Their Tank?

    In the last month alone I have spent over 7g's on my tanks. 75 reef 15 nemo tank and the 175 aggressive. Also bought a up and running 135($1,000) for the rock and corals sold the tank lights and filtration including sump skimmer mj2400 for $500