anyone ever had one eat soft corals such as shrooms and Zoas? Mine plucks Zoas like they are candy. they are just browns that I had on the LR so I don't care really but I am a little worried he may decide he likes those better than his krill and silversides???? anyone
Ok guys and ladys I love so many different fish I need some help on what to put into my 175 fowlr.
I currently have RS SF Tang, hippo Tang, DF puffer. I will be adding a lion most likley Dwarf lion if LFS can get it to eat.
Now here is where you come in. What else should I add?
I like...
Is there any type of shark that would be at home is a 175 gal with sf tang,blue tang, n trigger, and DF puffer? Is my tank just to small? here is a pic of rock work also sand is oolite but has shells in it would this be a problem for shrks belly?
I have a 175 display but it has about 150 lbs of LR. I bought a sailfin about 6 inches and a hippo about 5 inches from the lfs. The sailfin has been in there system for almost a year in about a 40 gal tank and is doing really well in her new home. The hippo however has ich. Now it's in my...
I got this guy last week from this site on Thursday after acclimation I placed him in the tank and never saw him again after he went under some rock on the left side of the 75 reef. Today I was taking some pics of the shrooms on the far right side and he popped out from behind them. I was so...
I got a 1 gallon cube for my desk at work. My wife got it for me for Christmas. I got a little hydro heater and it has a hob filter with a crbon floss filter. Going to set it up with a few shrooms and maybe some green zoes a p shrimp and a hermit crab. Should be a cool little addition to my...
Anyone on the line about ordering from the net can feel safe to order from here. I have ordered twice and have been pleasantly surprised both times. Got my free snails today as well as a colt coral( which had two stalks thank you SWF.COM) A free CBS for my return customer order. 100+ shells...
here are a few pics the sailfin is out more but is hard to get a good pic of lol. fish where added Sunday night all is good thus far first fish in the tank. Let me know what you think
Ok got my Blue hippo and red sea sailfin tangs this weekend. Both are already eating Emerald Entries. They are doing good so far comming out swimming around. I have a couple of questions though.
How soon if they where to get ich would it start showing up? The Sailfin has been in the LFS for...
The GSM owns the tank just curious if the angel would be able to hold its own??? The Angel is a little bigger and has been at my LFS since July so is eating good. Do you think this would be a good addition for my reef current fish
Dom Damsel
YT Damesel
Green spot mandrian
Do you guys think it would be wise to add the blue hippo first? She would be all by herself in that big tank. She is already eating at the LFS in the little holding tank. then how long should I wait before adding a sailfin tang?? I was thinking two weeks????