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  1. harndog

    Adding a med size blue hippo to 175

    Do you guys think it would be wise to add the blue hippo first? She would be all by herself in that big tank. She is already eating at the LFS in the little holding tank. then how long should I wait before adding a sailfin tang?? i was thinking two weeks????
  2. harndog

    what type of pink ric is this

    Regular or Yuma???
  3. harndog

    Found a Ric on my LR

    Check out the little pink guy. I hope he grows and multiplies
  4. harndog

    I just like this pic what do you think??

    let me know
  5. harndog

    New Zoos and new ligths

    just a few pics of my new zoos and a couple pics of new lights but with just atinics on
  6. harndog

    Cool pics I took this weekend

    check them out
  7. harndog

    Clean up crew

    What if anything can you put in an agressive tank to help keep the tank clean. Fish like Lion, eel, HT, puffer
  8. harndog

    A very unique hitchicker

    This little guy has been in my tank for about 10 months. He moves around flips up on his side bends upward to the light. He was loose when i got him about the size of a dime then he stuck himself to the rock with a stringy substance He has been pretty much in the same place for awhile now...
  9. harndog

    anyone have any idea???

    would like to know the actual name of this sps??? It has been under just 2 VHO's for a little while (PO) I now have it under MH so hope it comes all the way back. It's the light green and the brown/tan stuff they have a few small green polyps on them.
  10. harndog

    New home for a few cool fish

    well this is my finished rock work for my fowlr 175. What do you think? Also a few hitchikers.
  11. harndog

    going from pc to mh

    I got my 300w mh with 260 atinic pc on the 75 today going from 260 cl pc. My ? is could i run into any probs with my lower light softies because of the mh??? I have a lot of shrroms and some TS leather and a huge finger any issues forseen?
  12. harndog

    false perc or true perc?

    going to try and find it a mate and was wondering what to get? Also going to get them a B tip I have 130 w pc on a 15 gal so should be ok.
  13. harndog

    GSM and LTA pics

    My LTA has his foot on the bottom of the tank and the GSM feeds him everytime I put brine and mysis in the tank. It is great fun to watch.
  14. harndog

    just a few pics of my Madrian

    here they are. I love these fish.
  15. harndog

    Would a CC star be lunch in this tank??

    Sailfin TangP15" Blue TangP12" Harlequin Tusk (Australia)SA10" Volitan LionfishSA15" Snowflake Eel SA24" Dog Face Puffer SA13" Also do you think any sand sifting stars or any type of cleanup crew could make it with these guys??? maybe urchins?? this is in a 175 inches are max growth just doing...
  16. harndog

    Has anyone did this????

    I have several different types of shrooms. I think I am going to put a poloyp from each type on one rock and see how it looks. I would have reds, green splash, green stripe, purple, blues, and green hairy shrooms all on the same rock. Anyone else think this would be cool????
  17. harndog

    What is this????

    I was thinking frogspawn but now I am leaning more towards some type of ric.
  18. harndog

    Some pics of the make over and of the new tanks

    These are before this weekend
  19. harndog

    starting my 175 FOWLR

    Well I bought a 150 today that is a reef so I am going to use the Rock from it to set up my 175 all except that with coral those rocks will be going into my 75 reef. I am making new ro/di water for the 175. My qeustion is two fold. I plan to add a bucket of instant ocean and turn on the sump...
  20. harndog

    Well my 75 reef is getting ready to get a face lift

    I bought a 150 today that has been up a long time. It has about 250 lbs of live rock with a lot of coral. It has about 300 polyps of zoos about 10 polyps of blue shrooms a rock about 1 foot long by 6 inches wide covered end to end in green star polyps. 6 branches of frogspawn. some of the...