Search results

  1. harndog

    fish list for 175 bf fowlr

    Would this list be possible??? Maculosus AngelfishTank Raised Lyretail Anthias, Red, Male Lyretail Anthias, Orange, Female Panther Grouper Volitan Lionfish Arothron Dog Face Puffer Banana Wrasse Clown Triggerfish Blue Tang Yellow Tang Naso Tang 6 green chromis I am a little concerned due...
  2. harndog

    Went shopping

    I have to set up my 175 BF soon and decided to make it a FOWLR so bought some halide for my 75 reef and am putting the 260 pc on the 175 for the fish. Should make it nice and bright in there for fish maybe some shrooms to decorate it up a bit. Anyway this is my list of stuff ordered tonight to...
  3. harndog

    got my Halides

    Well decided to go ahead and order a 48" halide pc combo from the big auction site. did not get the Jebo though got some from the guy in Sac CA that has warrenty. So instead of my 260 CL PC combo on my 75 I will have 2 150 watt metal Halide 2 65 watt atinics and 2 36 watt 10,000 k PC. Should...
  4. harndog

    Some pics from the new guy

    this is a 75 been up a year not real good with cam yet. still learning.
  5. harndog

    What to do with my new 175 bf

    I already have a 75 reef that I have mostly softies in it. It has been up for a year and doing good. I just got the 175 new and am going to be setting it up. I plan to do at least fowlr. I really want to keep a lot of the big fish that are not reef safe. triggers, puffers and maybe a lion...