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  1. reef dude

    Lighting too strong?

    This past saturday i picked up a toadstool leather wich has not opened up yet. At the LFS, they had it under some really dull, non-powerfull lighting. Now its in my tank with 2 175 w halides and some actinics. The coral has not opened up at all yet. I acclimated it correctly and ALL water...
  2. reef dude

    New Corals, thanks everyone!

    Today I just got 3 new corals for my birthday(tomorow). A large Finger Leather, Colt leather, and toadstool w/ small tree coral at the base. I am also the guy who had a few posts on my "unhealthy looking" frogspawn and i wanted to let you all know its doing much better now. Finally I must...
  3. reef dude

    Dying Frogspawn? please look (pics)

    I posted about this issue a few days ago, but now i have pictures on my website, which is linked below, of my frogspawn. At 8 pm when i got home tonight it was looking really nice (almost fully open) then within 2 hours I came by the tank again at 10 pm and it was almost fully closed up, the...
  4. reef dude

    Is my coral dying?!

    Ok, I've had my frogspawn coral for about 1 and a half to 2 months now, in the first month, it did good and would fully expand. Also, durring the first month, i was working on raising calcium levels from 380 up to 450(currently). Now durring the day(photo period) the corals polyps tend to...
  5. reef dude

    fish eating my mushrooms?

    Ok, heres the story. Today at work(local fish store) my boss/owner of the store brought in a bunch of nice pieces of LR from his tank that had a bunch of caulerpa and tiny red mushrooms on them. So i brought home 3 nice pieces. 2 pieces of rock had apprx. 3-4 tiny mushrooms a little bit...
  6. reef dude

    Powerhead Placement

    Currently I have 2 powerheads(295 gph) and there is one in the top corner at each end of the tank, blowing a few inches under from the surface, keeping it nice and free of all that "junk" that accumulates with no water flow. I just purchased a third PH(295 gph) that i do not know where to place...
  7. reef dude

    Adequate Ca and alk?

    Ok, i just sat down and measured my Calcium and alkalinity 2 times each, in order to verify the results: alk = 4.0 meq/L or 11.2 dKH Calcium = 400 ppm pH = 8.3 Recently my calcium has been impossible for me to raise. Ive been adding liquid calcium EVERY night ever since my calcium was at 350 ppm...
  8. reef dude


    OH my god theres white slime everywhere in my tank. It looks like white thread or a spider web and its sticking to everything!!!!!!!!!! Its also spreading and growing by the second! it seems to be coming from the base of my feather duster but im not sure. I also puled out a huge clump of sand...
  9. reef dude

    one suicide, one MIA

    This morning i found a dried up clownfish on the rug behind my tank. I could swear that i have the back sealed up around my pre-filter box but somehow it must have found a way out. This is now my second clown that has jumped out in the same spot. I've had 3 total, and the one remaining is the...
  10. reef dude

    Green Algae on glass

    My tank has been up about 7 months now. I used to get a ton of brown algae blooms but stopped after i used a phosphate sponge that brought .5ppm down to .1ppm. now i am getting green algae thats spreading rapidly all over the glass. what do i do???
  11. reef dude

    I Finally Have Pics!

    I finally have pics of my tank!!!!!!! not many tho, but its a start. can you please take a good look at my frogspawn, ive had it for 3 days now, does it look normal for having it for only 3 days?
  12. reef dude

    Ideal reef chemistry

    Ok, with all the recent talk about pH, alk, and calcium, ive been getting really confused!!! What i would like to know is, in order to have and maintain a very well balanced reef tank (corals, fish, and inverts), what are ALL the test kits we should have????and what should each level be at?!?! I...
  13. reef dude

    Beginner to please!

    Ok, i posted yesterday that i purchased my first coral, a frogspawn. It keeps opening up and then closing back up. My calcium is 350 ppm, my alkalinity is 3.7 meq/L and my pH is 8.3 I dose with kalk but i never see a raise in calcium. This is my first coral and i wanna make sure i get all my...
  14. reef dude

    My first this normal?

    Today i purchased my very first coral. A very nice piece of frogspawn. I was told that with the lighting i am currently using(2 175w MH 5,500k and 2 40w actinic 03 blues) that i will do quite well. I've started to dose kalk for the past week to 2 weeks and the calcium is apprx 380 ppm and...
  15. reef dude

    Ca Chloride vs. Ca Hydroxide

    Recently i was told that calcium chloride(liquid calcium) can mess with your pH if you do not dose correctly. I've heard that calcium hydroxide(kalkwasser) is a much better source of calcium and does not mess with your pH. I have both and right now i am just using my calcium hydroxide a.k.a...
  16. reef dude

    "blasting" LR w/ powerheads?

    I was on a website a while back and i saw how they said that it is important to "blast" your live rock with powerheads every once in a while because it blows off all of that brownish silt/dust that accumulates. My tank has reached the 6 and a half month mark and today i decided to aim my...
  17. reef dude

    Hard, Green Bubbles on LR?

    Recently i have begun to notice these green bubbles appearing on my LR and powerheads. They range from the size of a pea to the size of a large marble and occasionally i will see one pop and it turns to a white, empty shell. I have heard that these are some type of nussiance algae or aptasia...
  18. reef dude

    2 Tangs in 90 gal

    Hello all, my 90 gallon reef has been setup for 6 and a half months now, i have 2 true percs(fiesty as can be) 3 fire gobies, yellow wrasse, and Marine betta(4 in. very docile w/ the smaller guys) I know multiple tangs is never a good thing, unless its a school in a large tank.. However today...
  19. reef dude

    Calcium problems

    Ok first of all im not sure if im doing my calcium test correctly. Its the red sea calcium test that uses the titration method. now heres the trick, when i slowly add the drops of reagent to the vial, should i be gently shaking the vial as i add the drops or do i hold the vial completely...
  20. reef dude

    Stocking my tank w/ fish...Need Help!

    ok guys, i havent been to this forum in a few weeks,ive been extremely busy with that start of school and such. anyways heres whats going on..... My 90 gal reef has been up for almost exactly 5 months, i have: 2 true percula clowns, yellow wrasse, 3 firefish gobies, longnose hawk, apprx 50 blue...