Search results

  1. reef dude

    Royal Grama w/ large gash/white chunk

    Ok, i have had my reef up for about 4 and a half months and have 2 perculas, 3 firefish gobies, yellow wrasse, royal grama, pink tip haitian, and one feather duster. Today however i noticed a large gash on one side of my royal grama. from the side view, it looks as if it almost swam into a...
  2. reef dude

    Are certain tangs not reef-safe?

    I was in at my Local Fish Store today and they guy that helps me knows a whole bunch about reef tanks. However i told him that my plan was to eventually add a powder blue, or an achilles tang to my tank. Most likely the last fish to add. But he started telling me that powders blues are one of...
  3. reef dude

    Glass Anemones

    Hey all, I was just in at my local fish store and the guy gave me an earful on those glass anemone things, Aipistas?? Apparently, they are NOT GOOD to have in your tank and i have 2 pieces of rock that are just absolutely covered with them. They started spreading all over the tank and some...
  4. reef dude

    Help, pleas ID these things!

  5. reef dude

    How many fish for my 90 g. reef?

    My 90 gallon reef has been setup and running great for about 4 months now. I just water tested yesterday and everything is perfect. I currently have: 2 true percula clowns, 3 firefish gobies, and 1 pink tip haitian. My big question is, about how many more fish would be able to go in my tank...
  6. reef dude

    My fish-wish-list, are they all compatible?

    I've had my 90 gallon tank setup for a good 3 months now. Live sand seems to be working good, with lost of reddish, browinsh, purpleish patches up against the glass. All the water parameters are fine. I just did about a 15 gallon water change today and in a few days or so i plan on adding a...
  7. reef dude

    My fish-wish-list, are they all compatible?

    I've had my 90 gallon tank setup for a good 3 months now. Live sand seems to be working good, with lost of reddish, browinsh, purpleish patches up against the glass. All the water parameters are fine. I just did about a 15 gallon water change today and in a few days or so i plan on adding a...
  8. reef dude

    Do I have sufficient equipment for my reef?

    Ok guys, im 16 years old and have been in this hobby for about 6 months now, and just set up a 90 gal reef. its been running for 2 and a half months now, just completed my cycle. On this site, there have been so many discussions about refugiums, chillers, UV sterilizers, skimmers, RO units...
  9. reef dude

    Safe to add more fish?

    I have a 90 gal. tank setup for 2 and a half months. Its Done cycling and has 2 percula clowns in it. They have been in it for over a week and all levels are perfect. Ammonia is 0, nitrite is 0, nitrate is 0, pH is 8.2 or 8.3, and salinity is about 1.026 I would like to add a royal gramma in...
  10. reef dude

    Nitrogen cycle(bubbles)...long lasting?

    I've had my 90 gal up and running for 2 and a half months. I added 2 true perculas about a week ago, while the nitrogen bubbles were still being produced immensely. This millions of N2 bubbles in my sand that are constantly rising to the surface, literally, constantly! will they affect any of...
  11. reef dude

    Best Anemone for Clowns?

    I just purchased 2 true percula clowns last friday and they seem to be doing great. I figure i would leave them in for another week or so and then add one or two anemones, which is the next bio-load to add on my list. Water parameters are great, nitrates are around 5 or 10 ppm but thats...
  12. reef dude

    Excessive Algae...Help!

    My tank has just finished cycling but the algae growth on the walls is very much. I have 60 turbo snails but about 40-50 of them stay on the rocks, rather than the glass. Its a brown algae that grows on the sand and glass. Yesterday i scrubbed the walls down pretty good and then did a 5%...
  13. reef dude

    is my tank ready for fish & corals?

    Hey everyone, first of all let me say that if it wasnt for this site, i could have had some major disasters, so thanks for all the great advice guys! Ok, heres the scoop: my tank has been up for about 2 months plus a few days. pH is 8.2, ammonia is 0.02 ppm, nitrite is 0.0 ppm, phosphates are...
  14. reef dude

    How can you tell if the cycle is over?

    I am sooooo confused about what to do with my tank. its been up for about just about 2 months now, and the only toxin that is really showing up is nitrAte. its about 10 ppm. I know that a lot of things can tolerate that level but will this nitrate level ever naturally go down? i mean its been...
  15. reef dude

    Help.....Nitrate Problems!

    My 90 gallon tank is nearing the end of its cycle, the ammonia is about 0.01ppm or 0.02ppm, nitrites are 0, however my nitrates are 10 ppm. Right now there are 50 scarlets, 50 turbos, and 100 blue legs(tiny ones). I am seeing lots of bubbles in my sand and up against the glass, is this...
  16. reef dude

    HELP..Green hair algae??

    My tank has about 60 lbs of LR in it and i am putting in 45 more lbs tonight. However i just noticed on the bottom the tank, growing up through the sand are tiny little green stalks 1-3 cm high. They are pretty thin. They look almost like a moss or thin grass. Is this green hair algae, i heard...
  17. reef dude

    How is my reef tank setup?

    Hey everyone, In your opinion, what do you think of my tank? Its in the beginning stages of being cycled.... 90 gallon tank 3.5" DSB 100 lbs LR 12 turbo snails 2 MH 175 watts each, 5,500k ( 8hrs a day) 2 NO flourescent actinics 40 watts each(10 hrs a day) Total of 430 watts wet/dry filter (I...
  18. reef dude

    Please HELP me w/ my MH lights!

    hey guys i just got in my MH Lights 2 175 watts(5,500K) and 2 40 watt NO actinic blues. How long should each bulb be on for? 2,3,4,5 hours???? if the halides turn off i am just left with dim blue lights, not very pretty(well it is at night)
  19. reef dude

    Ever hear of a power sweeper powerhead?

    I saw a powerhead that sort of oscilates back and forth, its really neat, i forget the name, ever hear of these?
  20. reef dude

    How long should i keep my MH lights on?

    I jjust got my MH hood system in, 2x 175 watt bulbs (5500k) and 2 NO flourescents. How long should i keep he MH bulbs on each day? when i turn off the MH, the actinics are the only lights left but they are way too dark and blue by themselves..