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  1. reef dude

    Brown algae and lots of bugs??

    Hey guys, My tank is still in the beginning of things but i put in about 10 lbs Lr today and plan on putting in 50 more tomorow to start the cycle, however right after i put my MH lights on, i noticed tons of little bugs walking all over, is that good or bad, they look sort of wierd, like pill...
  2. reef dude

    just got MH lights, how long should i have them on?

    Hey guys, I just got in my MH hood system. Its is 2 175 watt MH bulbs(5,500K) and 2 40 watt flourescent actinic 03 bulbs. (430 watts total) How long should i have the MH bulbs on each day and how long should i have just the actinics on? Also, I am putting in 50 lbs of LR tomorow to start my...
  3. reef dude

    Ever hear of a calcium dripper?

    a customer at a local fish store today said that i should setup a gallon bucket of calcium powder and stir it in water, then drip it into my sump using a spicket?. keeps nitrates down or something?
  4. reef dude

    wet/dry filter bad for reef tanks w/ LR?

    I've heard that wet/dry filters with bio-balls are not the best for reef tanks, anybody know why? wouldnt the bioballs be better for the LR?
  5. reef dude

    Safe to add more LR while tank cycling?

    Hey guys, me again. I've got my 90 gallon setup with 3-4" DSB, and i just threw in about 10 lbs of live rock to get things going. My MH light system will be in for a few days so i figure the LR will be ok on the flourescent for a little while. But obviously i am going to add a lot more LR to...
  6. reef dude

    LR and a wet/dry filter, good or bad combo?

    Hey, I have an Amiracle wet/dry filter. Just added about 10 lbs LR to my 90 gal. to get things cycling. Many people that I have talked to say that i should remove all of my bio-balls. should I? and what should i replace them with, carbon? If anyone knows that the reason for this is, please...
  7. reef dude

    Multiple tangs in 90 gal. reef?

    Is it safe to have mutltiple tangs in a 90 gal. reef? Powder blue, achilles, blue hippo? I have seen pictures of many tangs in one tank but I have been told that they will fight? true? How about a volitan lion in a reeftank? as soon as my tank is done cycling, im going to load 'er up
  8. reef dude

    Whats the right pH level?

    Whats the ideal pH level for your tank, mine is at about 8.3 right now, too high? Theres nothing in my tank now except a 4" DSB and theres a lot of brown algae starting to emerge, is this good for a cycling tank?
  9. reef dude

    Are these corals safe in my tank?

    would the following corals survive in my tank, 90 gal. w/ 2 MH bulbs (175w each) and 2 40w actinic 03 bulbs?: Brain corals Bubble coral assorted polyps assorted leathers hammer ?????
  10. reef dude

    How to acclimate Live Rock?

    When i order my 20 lb box of LR, how do i acclimate them? I know the drill for the corals but what about the LR? Can you just throw them in the tank? Help me please!
  11. reef dude

    Is my lighting adequate?

    Hey everyone, i'm on the last step of setting up my 90 gal......LIGHTS. I just ordered a Delux combo hood system from Its a Hamilton Delux hood system with 2 MH bulbs (175 watts each) and then it also has 2 Normal Output (40 watt) flourescent bulbs. Thats a total of 430...
  12. reef dude

    Is my LIGHTING good enough?

    Hey everyone, i'm on the last step of setting up my 90 gal......LIGHTS. I just ordered a Delux combo hood system from Its a Hamilton Delux hood system with 2 MH bulbs (175 watts each) and then it also has 2 Normal Output (40 watt) flourescent bulbs. Thats a total of 430...
  13. reef dude

    Possible to have reef w/ only NO lights?

    would it be possible to setup a 90 gal w/ 4 flourescent bulbs, 2 actinics and 2 50/50 lights bulbs?? i know its no tthe best way to do it, but i was wondering if its possible?
  14. reef dude

    I Need MASSIVE HELP w/ Lighting

    hi, if anyone can help me or give any suggestions about lighting, i would greatly appreciate it. Right now i have a 90 gal. tank with a 4" DSB and thats it. As for lights, i have just the 2 plain old 40 watt bulbs that came with the tank.. Obviously that will not work for corals but i was...
  15. reef dude

    I Desperately Need a Light Expert!

    hi, if anyone can help me or give any suggestions about lighting, i would greatly appreciate it. Right now i have a 90 gal. tank with a 4" DSB and thats it. As for lights, i have just the 2 plain old 40 watt bulbs that came with the tank.. Obviously that will not work for corals but i was...
  16. reef dude

    Lighting terms/abbreviations?

    what do all these lighting abbreviations stand for? VHO? MH? PC? etc.......... I have a 90 gallon tank and i am going to buy 4 plain old flourescent tube lights except 2 are actinic 03 and 2 will be 50/50 bulbs, is that good enough for a reef tank?
  17. reef dude

    Lighting terms/abbreviations?

    what do all these lighting abbreviations stand for? VHO? MH? PC? etc.......... I have a 90 gallon tank and i am going to buy 4 plain old flourescent tube lights except 2 are actinic 03 and 2 will be 50/50 bulbs, is that good enough for a reef tank?
  18. reef dude

    Balancing a wet/dry filter

    I've got a wet/dry filter and its a big pain... The water is drawn into the filter underneath by a siphon-method (NOT a drilled tank) and then is pumped back into the tank by a rio 2500 pump, but the pump is pumping water back up into the tank just a tiny bit faster than the water that is coming...
  19. reef dude

    Need help balancing out a wet/dry filter?

    I've got a wet/dry filter and its a big pain... The water is drawn into the filter underneath by a siphon-method (NOT a drilled tank) and then is pumped back into the tank by a rio 2500 pump, but the pump is pumping water back up into the tank just a tiny bit faster than the water that is...
  20. reef dude

    What happens when the power goes out???

    What happens when the power goes out and i am not home? The water is drawn out by a siphon method into my wet/dry filter and then pumped back up by a rio 2500. The pump will obviously stop pumping if the power goes out but it will create a back-siphon and also the original siphon wont stop at...