Search results

  1. scout

    $75 rule, oops, $79 (question for Beth)

    Beth, I am very interested in the possiblity of ordering without the minimum $79, knowing that I will have to pay a hefty shipping fee. I haven't seen that this is possible so if it is please elaborate. I have had the same experience as az; I cannot checkout without getting to $79. My...
  2. scout

    Smoking near an aquarium.

    Originally Posted by Smork81 Is there any negative effects of smoking in the same house with your aquarium? Lung cancer. Heart disease. Stroke. Emphysema. But the fish should be fine.
  3. scout

    pH testing

    I am new to the hobby. Just started a 29 gallon Oceanic Biocube around January 1 of this year. Things are going fairly well and I have certainly learned alot by reading these forums daily. Unfortunately I did not find this site until I was up and running or would have done a couple of things...