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  1. clownguy38

    Plate Coral

    I was told by a lfs thats how it grow! I guess
  2. clownguy38

    My NC12DX setup and running, with pics!

    Whats that on your return (inlet)???
  3. clownguy38

    HELP..little centipede looking things, all in my tank

    Try cleaner shrimp thats what the lfs told me
  4. clownguy38

    Live Rock

    Can you guys please post pics. Im not happy with my place ment of rocks need some help!!
  5. clownguy38

    Plate Coral

    WOW like 40 views and not a person to help???
  6. clownguy38

    Plate Coral

    Not sure if my fish is being to rough with it! What do you guys think???
  7. clownguy38

    Anemones ????

    Are anemones bad for other coral???? Can the live friendly?? I hear they could move to a coral and like that spot and sting and kill the coral in that spot. Is that true??
  8. clownguy38

    fire clown

    I have a fire clown and a plate coral. Now that I put in the fish the plate coral will not open.Is this ok. Also are Anemones bad for you coral or tank????
  9. clownguy38


    24 g nano
  10. clownguy38


    Woke up this morning and my 3 fish are swiming near at the bottom of the tank. Checked my lvls Nitrate are at 20 nitrite 0 alk 180 ph 7.8. Whats UP???? Ohhh yeah I just added a fish last night.
  11. clownguy38

    Ro water

    Was wondering if I set up my tank with ro water and salt if I can use that ocean water in the bottle for water changes and tank evaporation?????? I heard that ro water doent last that long How long does the ocean water last???
  12. clownguy38

    bio -spira

    Any thoughs on a product called bio -spira??? Does it work?? Can you use it is you had your tank up for a week??
  13. clownguy38

    Live Rock

    The brown is going up the glass and is on the sand is that kool still??? How high will the ammonia go??
  14. clownguy38

    Live Rock

    Ive been feeding the fish. Do you think thats enough? How long do I wait to add livestock like fish and coral???
  15. clownguy38

    Live Rock

    not sure Its the nemo clown. Do I still go through the cycle if I used all the live rock and live sand and ro water??? How do I get the brown off the rock???
  16. clownguy38

    Live Rock

    kool thanks I have a clown and snail in there the guy at the fish store said wait till the water clears and add them so I did. Will that effect anything???
  17. clownguy38

    Live Rock

    thanks was worried. what should I test???
  18. clownguy38

    Live Rock

    I have a 24g nano I have some live rock I got this tuesday and I started the on monday with live sand and ro water. I notice today that the rock I got tuesday is turning brown alittle... I also picked up 2 more live rocks on friday and they are fine. Can You Help Me???
  19. clownguy38


    1 week
  20. clownguy38


    Just Starting Need Help. I have a 24G nano tank. 7.5lbs of LR 6lbs of live sand. Used RO water from a lps, Whats the next steps??? Fish and Coral and all. Dont know what to do HELP!!!