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  1. vizia2


    can i use compact lights for clams. what kind of water specs do they need and how much light. I whant to start collecting coral, which ones can i get, and what kind of water specs do, for light i have a 48" 50/50 compacts light( 2 50/50 55w bulds) and 48" 50/50 florecent 35w thanks
  2. vizia2

    DT's Live Phytoplankton

    where can i find DT's Live Phytoplankton. what kind of price am i looking at
  3. vizia2

    brain coral

    actualy almost all the green has sluffed off, expet around the corners. all you can see left is the red ripely part. any help
  4. vizia2

    buy live rock

    has enyone ordered live rock from Is it good quality rock? And how long does it take to come in? I want to take delivery on a tuesday, what day should i order? thanks
  5. vizia2

    brain coral

    salt 1.020 ph 8.1 amonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 5-10
  6. vizia2

    brain coral

    I have a green red brain coral, it is snuffing all of its green soft part, and all you can now see is the hard red ripple part underneath. Is it dead, dieing, will it grow back, can I do something?
  7. vizia2

    HYPO is bad?

    I was told that hypo is not good, and it will probably kill all the fish. I was told not to do hypo on my fish. Is this true, will it kill my fish, what luck have you had(good and bad) using hypo on fish. Also up until I was told this I was going to QT and HYPO all new fish that will be going...
  8. vizia2


    Yes I am also concerned for the mandarin, I didn’t learn of his diet until after I got him. After the hypo im gana get about 50lbs of live rock. My substrate is crushed coral. My next question is what kind of light will I need for the 10gal QT tank that will hold my live rock anemones and...
  9. vizia2


    One of my fish have ick so I need to hypo them all, since I don’t have a big enough tank I was going to hypo them in the main tank, I only have like 15lbs of live rock, brain coral 15 snails 3crabs a shrimp and 2 anemones; im going to transfer them into my 10gal QT tank during the hypo. After I...
  10. vizia2


    One of my fish have ick so I need to hypo them all, since I don’t have a big enough tank I was going to hypo them in the main tank, I only have like 15lbs of live rock, brain coral 15 snails 3crabs a shrimp and 2 anemones; im going to transfer them into my 10gal QT tank during the hypo. After I...
  11. vizia2

    qt tank

    qt tank Im getting a quarantine tank going. The tank is a 10gal and im gana get a 30gal tank power head for it got a pvc pipe for hiding and a piece of dead coral. I used 10gal from my main tank, and the heater has heated the water to same temp. does this mean the tank is ready to go since I...
  12. vizia2

    qt tank

    Im getting a quarantine tank going. The tank is a 10gal and im gana get a 20gal tank power head for it got a pvc pipe for hiding and a piece of dead coral. I used 10gal from my main tank, and the heater has heated the water to same temp. does this mean the tank is ready to go since I used...
  13. vizia2


    I have a 75 gal tank. It is filtered by a wet/dry and the return is a pumps about 580gal/hr, after about 5ft of tubes to bring it back to the tank I think it gets down to about 450gal/hr. I have a Rio 2100 pump I can use as a power head that pumps 560gal/hr. should I use it or is that to much...
  14. vizia2

    my tang is sick

    my blue tang is geting pale, his swiming is not strong, has ick spots and i think he cant see because he keeps on swiming in to things. what should i do? can i put any stuff in it, because i have shrimp, snails, crabs and anemones. I think im gana set up a sick tank. have a 5gal one. what do...
  15. vizia2

    thanks about the sponge question

    thanks for advice. I was told by someone about the mandarin after i bought him. So I bought some (I think they call it britazoa cups) they have a lot of stuff growing on it and some small pieces of chunks of dead sponge, was told pods will grow in that. About my red sponge you recommended...
  16. vizia2


    I have a question about sponge, I have a red tree sponge about 7in long, I have had it for about 2 weeks and it is starting to turn white and spreading upwards. Does that mean its dieing. What should I do, should I cut it and if so how much of it and is there a setain place and way I should...
  17. vizia2

    LR prices at my LFS

    where are some places i can buy some good LR for a good price, any, has anyone goton some frome some good online places, let me know the sites thanks
  18. vizia2

    live rock

    this is what my tank looks like now
  19. vizia2

    live rock

    Hi I started building my reef (see signature for details of inhabitants) and its been going for about 2 months now all is good( amon 0, nitrites 0-.1 salt .19, nitrate 5) it’s a 75 gal tank run on a trickle filter into a wet/dry, I have about 20lbs of Live rock, pieces of britazoa cups, and...
  20. vizia2

    Dwarf lion

    thanks for every ones help I think im gana wait a while so my fish get larger before introducing a dwarf lion. I added a signature with my stuff, any other suggestions will be appreciate. J21kickster your dwarf lions a looks cool thanks everyone