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  1. bek

    Local Pet Store Burns

    I am just in shock at the news this local FS burned to the ground last night - due to electrical problems!! All those beautiful fish and corals and critters........gone !!! Just makes me so sad................. What the heck am I goinna do now - that was the only reef store for...
  2. bek

    is this a good price

    Originally posted by sammystingray By the way...I have about five thousand dollars invested in my 90 you think I would sell it for 500 bucks??:D The owner on this one says he has between $1,600 and $2,000 in this one. I know that the tank I have now is only a 30 gallon and I'll...
  3. bek

    is this a good price

    Originally posted by sammystingray Brand names of the equipment, and sizes and makes, would tell a lot more....if the tank is running well.....doesn't sound too bad to me....does it have a store bought stand? That would be 600 dollars around here just for that. The tank itself would be a little...
  4. bek

    bunny fish ???

    Originally posted by jwtrojan44 There are species of fish referred to as "rabbit fish". Could that be it? I don't know anything about them except that they are kinda ugly.
  5. bek

    bunny fish?????

    Has anyone heard of or know anything about a "bunnyfish" ???
  6. bek

    is this a good price

    Originally posted by gmen 5.99 lb for lr at lfs, you can get this stuff for about 180 and less online for 45-50 lbs shipped to your door. I dont know just my.02 seems kind of high maybe you can sell the fish or bring them to lfs for credit and get what you like I do have a 20 gallon holding...
  7. bek

    is this a good price

    Originally posted by Thomas712 I'd say its a deal, not looking in depth at the whole thing but. If he indeed has 100 pounds of good looking live rock then 100 pounds times the 5.99 that it cost me in my area for live rock would be like $600 dollars. With the $200 remaining it really doesn't...
  8. bek

    is this a good price

    Originally posted by Bek I told the seller that I really wasn't interested in the fish - that maybe he could sell them seperatly.....but he said that because he is moving out of the state, he needs the whole thing to go at one time. I don't know what to do with the fish....I don't even like...
  9. bek

    is this a good price

    Originally posted by gmen FWIW I sold my 90 rr aga, two canopies, stand, mag 9.5, plumbing, 48" twin tube strip light with uri bulbs, maxijet 1200. Wet/dry filter, heater. some extras for 400. I think i gave the guy a great deal but 800 seems like a lot. I got my 300g oceanic used for 275 and...
  10. bek

    bunny fish ???

    Does anyone know anything about a "bunny fish"......
  11. bek

    is this a good price

    Originally posted by KrUnK what kind of lghting is it? VHO? PC? MH? VHO - I think....did I mention that it is an "Oceanic" tank - I called the seller last night and offered $ we'll see....
  12. bek

    is this a good price

    I am looking to buy a larger tank and I'm just not sure it the price is a good deal. It is a 72 gallon bow front with lots of goodies. 80 lbs live sand 100 lbs live rock (all covered in beautiful purple algea) 3 large filters a big skimmer that hangs off the back - rather than one that hangs...
  13. bek

    warning !!!!

    I recently obtained a "decorator crab" and boy am I sorry now...that little stinker has eaten all of my green mushrooms and was starting on the blues when I caught him in the act. I sank a drinking glass in one corner of my tank and dropped him he is confined to quarters until I can...
  14. bek

    this is a test do not look. Thanks

    Boy, I'm sure glad I didn't look..... Never seen anything like it....
  15. bek

    Frags in Missouri (Xenia, Shrooms, & SPS)

    I would be interested in anything you have....please contact at
  16. bek

    water change

    Originally posted by Bek I have 2 fish - a purple tank and a coral beauty I have pollups and mushrooms, feather dusters, a cabbage, a leather, a chile coral , a brittle star and lots of crabs and snails. I do have to clean the glass about once a week with the magnetic cleaner....the only...
  17. bek

    water change

    Originally posted by Thomas712 Mix new saltwater like was said for a day or two, aerate if possible. This will allow the salt to dissolve properly, and aerating will assist in keeping the ph of the water stable. Not if you don't dump it in, pour it in slowly. Yes. It helps a great deal to...
  18. bek

    water change

    OK, time for another stupid "beginner" question. I have had a 30 gallon nano up and running for more than 8 months and have never done a water change (just add more when it evaporates)and I do not have any kind of filter on the tank. I read a lot of your advise saying to change 2-3 gallons a...
  19. bek

    crabs eating snails

    Originally posted by Bek I recently obtained 5 turbo snails into my 30 gallon tank. But I was upset to see them attached by every crab in the join. I have 1 emerald, 1 decorator, 1 animone, 4 bumble bees, 2 red legs and 2 blue legs.......the little snails don't stand a chance. Is there anything...
  20. bek

    crabs eating snails

    I recently obtained 5 turbo snails into my 30 gallon tank. But I was upset to see them attached by every crab in the join. I have 1 emerald, 1 decorator, 1 animone, 4 bumble bees, 2 red legs and 2 blue legs.......the little snails don't stand a chance. Is there anything I should be doing???? I...