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  1. spruce

    Pod Questions.

    Thanks, What are "Pod piles"?
  2. spruce

    Pod Questions.

    Is there a way to tell if you have enough pods in your tank to house a Manderin Dragonet? Besides saying if you have a lot if LR and an established tank for at least a year? Will a Mandarin Dragonet eat Cocepods too or only Amphripods? I have 85LBs of LR and at any given time if I stare at any...
  3. spruce

    taking apart a complete hood

    Small world. Jack I am asking the same question. I have a 48" JBJ Formosa 4x65w PC, and want to take it apart and use it in a canopy if I can.
  4. spruce

    Two questions please...after seeing SteveWeast's tank

    Two questions please... 1) After seeing steveweast's tank I am wanting to upgrade my lights again...I currently have a 48" JBJ Delux Formosa unit. Does anyone know if would be possible to disasemble this unit and buy a canopy and retro fit the unit in the canopy? If so I am thinking about doing...
  5. spruce

    Tap water purifier

    I have one of these and so far so good. I ran phosphate, Nitrate, and alk test after using this and they read phosphate = 0 nitrate = 0 Alk = 0 and then I ran a phosphate test on my tap water and it read: phosohate = 1 Before I bought it I did some research and called a water purification...
  6. spruce

    Help. PH question.

    Thanks fshhub and broomer, That answered my question perfectly. My imediate readings of PH are 7.9, which is a little low right? Is it low enough that I should add a PH buffer? And if so, what buffer would you guys suggest? Thanks again, Spruce
  7. spruce

    Help. PH question.

    When I test my PH using "TetraTest" I notice the color changes within a few hours after the test. For instance, I just did a test, and the PH is reading around 7.9, and in about an hour it will read 8.3... Which one is right? And is it normal for the PH to change after awhile? The test dosnt say...
  8. spruce

    Help me get my damsels out

    I agree with peasly1... I used this trick myself. You can get a piece of plexi from homedepot for $4 and they will cut it for you. Also, having two people with one on each side of the tank helps alot. Have one person massage the damsels to one area of the tank, with the other person waiting to...
  9. spruce

    Help ASAP!!!!!

    I would sugest when lowering the water level that you stand to the side of your tank and not infront of the bowed glass. If it snaps while your infront it could hurt bad. Also, keep kids away from it altogether. Whos the manufacturer of the tank? Hopfully your warrenty will still be good and the...
  10. spruce

    favorit fish

    As of now: Porcipine Puffer Regal Tang Manderin Dragonet
  11. spruce

    Four C02 questions...

    Thanks Josh! I got curious about C02 after I read Broomers post about how C02 seems to govern the alk, calc, and PH levels within our tanks. So I began to wonder if keeping C02 in control could help aid at keeping the PH, calc, and alk in control too. Guess we cant really govern C02. Thanks...
  12. spruce

    Four C02 questions...

    Hi Everyone, -Is C02 important to monitor and control like Alk, PH, and Cal, are? -Is it better to have C02 a little high in the tank or a little low? -Is the main contributor to C02 in the tank from photosynthetic plants/algae? -Would keeping my glass top open, increase or decrease C02, or...
  13. spruce

    A few questions about quarantining

    Thanks Beth for the reply Beth. If you wouldnt mind me asking, could you share with me some of your experiences when using Copper instead of Hypo? Have you seen copper hurt alot of fish? I just lost a Tang, and I beleive it was becasue I used Copper in my Q-Tank :-(
  14. spruce

    Hoping for sugestion on a good book to read.

    Hi Everyone, I plan on putting a good marine reef book on my Christmas list. I was hoping to get some suggestions one. I would like something that talks about most all the topics we come across in this hobby and go in depth about them. I have read The New Marine Aquarium by Michael Paletta, and...
  15. spruce

    A few questions about quarantining

    Hi, I have a few questions about quarantining, -Should you quarantine even the 1st fish you get? -If the main tank ends up having a mild case of ich, should you continue to quarantine additional fish as you get them, even though when they go into the main tank they could be introduced to Ich...
  16. spruce

    UV on Reef? Please dont jump to conclusions

    fshhub, My plan was to quarantine all new fish for atleast 4 weeks. Slowly adjusting them to copper or Hypo( I havent made up my mind on which to do yet) Then adding them to the main tank. Keeping the main tank's water quality perfect. Doing 7% water changes every week. and Checking water stats...
  17. spruce

    UV on Reef? Please dont jump to conclusions

    hmm very good points guys... thanks... Sammy: I see what you mean about the baby copepods. Seems like their population could be stastained as long as they dont swim through the filter system. Right now I have thousands of pods, and want to keep a mandarin dragonet. In your opinion this would be...
  18. spruce

    UV on Reef? Please dont jump to conclusions

    What do you think about this: 18-25 watt UV sterilizer running on a 75G reef tank, BUT religiously adding Kent marine’s Plankton. UV would be used to help control unwanted diseases, parasites, algae, and water clarity. I know probably most people will say its not a good idea cause the UV will...
  19. spruce

    question for those with CC substrate

    I do 5 gallons (7%) once a week and vacume. Easier for me to carry one small bucket once a week, then one huge bucket once a month.
  20. spruce

    I love this MB , however...

    A guy named Ryebread already did something cool with peoples pics. Go check out his link, Who do you think you are trying to mess with Ryebreads work!!!!!