Search results

  1. aquaticdesignsfl

    Black Tip Reef Shark

    Hey Novice, I see you found one, I am the guy in orlando you contacted about one. $1000.00 is a good price did that include shipping and where did you get him from?
  2. aquaticdesignsfl

    Leopard Sharks why are they so hard to find?

    what road trip? I am ready to go!!!
  3. aquaticdesignsfl

    Leopard Sharks why are they so hard to find?

    Rumor has it that they have become illegal to buy in the USA now. Does any body know how to get around that now? :confused:
  4. aquaticdesignsfl

    Red Slime Alage

    Hello fellow hobbyist..... I have a question. I know what Red Slime Alage is and how to treat it but What I don't know is what causes the cyno-bacteria to get in your tank? Where does this stuff come from?:confused:
  5. aquaticdesignsfl


  6. aquaticdesignsfl


    Doesw anyone have any suggestions on removing waterstains from a fish tank?
  7. aquaticdesignsfl

    Hand Feeding Sharks

    I have a lfs in Orlando I would like to talk to your contact about buying some of the sharks, Blk tips run around $200.00 @ wholesale and around $400-500 Retail Please e-mail me with his information
  8. aquaticdesignsfl

    is this a fiar price for a dragon moray?

    That is a pretty good price I sell them for $500 in my lfs
  9. aquaticdesignsfl

    Anyone know about Green Wolf Eels?

    He will pretty much eat whatever he can fit in his, shell-less crabs, and any small fish.. but they are really cool fish :p
  10. aquaticdesignsfl

    Collecting Sharks

    I have a great local store here in orlando They usually have the eppulate(spelling?) shark they also have,nurse,leopard, smoothhound, wobagone, marble cat shark,bannded,and more The store is called The Aquarium
  11. aquaticdesignsfl

    Collecting Sharks

    Hey if you are catching them I will buy them "the baby sharks i mean"
  12. aquaticdesignsfl

    cloudy tank help!!

    maybe some one can help me. I have a 180 gallon tank that is consistantly cloudy. The Aquarium has been re set up for just over 2 months and has been done with it's cycle now for over a month yet it remains cloudy? There is no nitrite, ammonia, nitrate is @ .20 and ph is 8.2 I have 2 lg damsels...
  13. aquaticdesignsfl

    Conditions for sharks

    Splash is right on and a very sucessfull shark keeper. He has been buying from me for years, and i value his knoledge as mush as mine. I have been in the business for over 20 years. Splash keep up the good work!!!
  14. aquaticdesignsfl

    Marine Tank Clarifier for hair algea removal?

    I have an aquarium maintence co. and we use it in all our tanks without problems. It will reduce alage growth by about 80% when used reg basis. Makes my work easy!!!
  15. aquaticdesignsfl


    Does anyone know why seahorses get an air bubble in them and how do you fix it?