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  1. vince

    light question: anyone have marineglow and powerglow?

    Currently I have two sets of light hood above my tank and I was wondering how I should set the time to turn them on. the first one is powercompact with two SmartLite second one is florscent bubls. one is powerglow and the other is marineglow. Can anyone tell me anything about these bulbs? And...
  2. vince

    hay all i need some help and was wondering if u can help me plz look THXS

    hey.. maybe you want to check out my online aquarium log. it's still not complete but maybe it will help you get an overview.
  3. vince

    what do i feed my clean up krew?

    it must be hard to make them not run away? my peppermint shrimps always hide between the caves when i approach
  4. vince

    would hermits eat my turbo snail?

    i wonder why swf would put such combination as invert package? .. especially sally light foot being agressive toward others sometimes and hermits eating turbo snails. bah
  5. vince

    Saving live rock?

    i would definitely try to save the live rocks considering how much it must've cost you to buy all thsoe live rocks
  6. vince

    newbie anemone question part 2

    k. my greentip anemone have been doing fine. it's tentacles are always fully reached and i can clearly see his green zoo..thingy my jiggy algae. the question is, i can still see his orange bottom part. is this normal? i mean, he haven't moved since i placed him in this one spot but i can still...
  7. vince

    what do i feed my clean up krew?

    i want to make sure no one bothers each other. what can i feed them? especially the shrimps , hermits and sally light foot.
  8. vince

    would hermits eat my turbo snail?

    i heard that hermits would kill the turbo snails and steal their shells. have anyone had any problems?
  9. vince

    what time do you turn your lights on?

    do you have corals or FO? if you have corals, I don't think you should do that because they probably won't get enough intensity of light they need.
  10. vince

    sally lightfoot

    swf sent me quiet large hermits. well, compared to blue-legged hermits i mean. how can i feed these guys? i mean all my inverts
  11. vince

    sally lightfoot

    hey.. I just caught my sally lightfoot eating half-cut body of one of my red hermit crabs; this is not cool. is he always going to be like this? or do you think the hermit crab was already dead..? please help me! :(
  12. vince

    how long did swf take to send for you guys?

    how long did it take for you guys when you ordered online? i'm asking because i ordered by check last time which took about 3 weeks. How long did it take if you order online?
  13. vince

    i got my swf clean up krew package

    it's been about 6 hours and snails are at the same spot. weird; i can't even find the brittle stars or sally light foot =)
  14. vince

    damsel's fins are kindda cloudy

    my zebra striped damsel's fins are skindda cloudy. He also twitches and scratches himself against rocks. i really don't think its ich because i can't NOT see any white spots no matter how hard i try to look.
  15. vince

    caulpera questions

    oh ok. thank you
  16. vince

    i got my swf clean up krew package

    it finally arrived! after 3 weeks.. now I know i should never send in checks to florida from new york :D everything is alive.they all look good, except that snails aren't moving much. funniest thing was sally light foot eating as soon as I dropped him to the tank.
  17. vince

    caulpera questions

    no; i was wondering if my clean up krew would eat them
  18. vince

    i can't get my fish to eat garlic!

    My fish seems to hate garlic; they just taste it and spit it back out; is there a way to make them like it? I do soak their food in garlic juice but I want to feed them pieces of garlic as well from time to time.
  19. vince

    caulpera questions

    if I place a colony of caulpera in the main tank, would fish/invertebrates eat them all up?
  20. vince

    for those who live in long island, ny. tap water info!

    hey. check this out ; thoes who live in long island.