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  1. vince

    swf package arrived

    I ordered mine last Tuesday. Still haven't heard from them yet. :(
  2. vince

    newbie anemone questions

    i can't touch them with bare hands right? are latex gloves bad for water? It's been more than 24 hours and they are still not attached to a rock. They kept going between caves and etc. They sometimes are upside down? I guess this is a bad sign? [ August 09, 2001: Message edited by: vince ] [...
  3. vince

    Baby Fu Man Chu Lionfish

    Stick to freshwater Vinny.... what the hell?
  4. vince

    newbie anemone questions

    do i need at few air stones as well?
  5. vince

    newbie anemone questions

    could you guys recommend how manyh powerheads I would need for a 75 gallon? and how much power each? ( the powerhead pumpage)
  6. vince

    newbie anemone questions

    Hello, I purchased two purple-tipped anemone today and had few questions. can anemones move by themselves? i located one on the rocks and now its down at the sand. one of the anemone's legs? look kindda shrivled. Is this ok?
  7. vince

    reef book recommendations

    did that book cost you over 100 bucks? because I saw it for 130
  8. vince

    calcium amount for a 75 gallon

    it certaintly has! you showed me a way to set a precise schedule for myself. Thank you so much NM! :D
  9. vince

    adding kalkwasser to water. making sure

    ;) Now I have more confidence and feel like I will do just fine. Thank you for all the replies ;)
  10. vince

    calcium amount for a 75 gallon

    I agree. It does sound really confusing at first. I hope I get the hang of it soon. Thank you for clearing that up though ;)
  11. vince

    coraline algae and live rock dying out

    75; twin tube pc 60 watt twin tube flourscent light 40 watt
  12. vince

    adding kalkwasser to water. making sure

    this is more complicated that i thought! how would i remove the film at the top ? seperating the gunk and liquid sounds easy but removing the film sounds hard.
  13. vince

    bright green algae on glass; coraline algae?

    :( Yes I know. I am really embarassed about it. I am doing my reading everyday though. :)
  14. vince

    what is your tank's average calcium level?

    Z owners?
  15. vince

    bright green algae on glass; coraline algae?

    I have many bright green algae growing on my glass. Can these be considered good coraline algae? I am also seeing tiny spots of red algae but in very small amount.
  16. vince

    coraline algae and live rock dying out

    about 8 months or longer
  17. vince

    adding kalkwasser to water. making sure

    so basically i do not need to remove the substance that settles in the bottom? I can just add the mixture right into the water?
  18. vince

    adding kalkwasser to water. making sure

    is there a diagram i can look at so i could understand more clearly? what is IV?
  19. vince

    coraline algae and live rock dying out

    np :D