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  1. vince

    what is your tank's average calcium level?

    thanks NM...................
  2. vince


    what is a refugium? is it a similiar thing sa a bio/chmiecal box in overflow?
  3. vince

    what is alkalinity?

    <twitch>paragraph<twitch> thank you for clearing that up. ;) [ August 06, 2001: Message edited by: vince ]
  4. vince

    adding kalkwasser to water. making sure

    ok, i decided to use the drip method (1gallon milk jug, hose extender) to add kalkwasser. i just wanted to make sure how to do this. I get a gallon of RO water and I mix the kalkwasser. I wait till white things settle down and re-cyphon out the liquid part to another container. Than I drip the...
  5. vince

    coraline algae and live rock dying out

    calcium is at 360 or so. warmer temperature makes coraline algae die off?
  6. vince

    what is your tank's average calcium level?

    I just tested mine and it came out to be around 360. Is that good enough for plenty of coraline algae growth or should I boost it up to 450 ? what level do you guys keep your calcium level at?
  7. vince


    whats the difference between kalkwasser and liquid calcium? aren't they the same thing?
  8. vince

    what is alkalinity?

    my head is hurting so much from the moment i started reading about calcium. what is alkalinty and what reading does it have to be ? Would I need to add something to the tank like kalkwasser?
  9. vince

    calcium amount for a 75 gallon

    I really can't understand what that means. how much gallon would I need to add in?
  10. vince

    Bought Nature Oceans LS - How long before adding fish?

    to be honest, I don't think you have to wait that long. I changed from crushed corals to livesand and I waited for .. 2 days exactly. Everything was fine. Ammonia was at 0, nitrite was at 0.
  11. vince

    water changes/ cyphoning

    ok. let me just write this to make sure I understand it correctly. I will just take out about 10 percent of water from the tank and replace them every two weeks. how often do i need to replace the top offs due to evaporation?
  12. vince

    water changes/ cyphoning

    so would I need to take out water manually (with bucket or cyphoning) or should I just add more water since there is water already being lost due to evaporation?
  13. vince

    has anyone kept firefish with hermits?

    ah I'm really glad to hear that! Thanks for making me feel less paranoid :D
  14. vince

    water changes/ cyphoning

    no. but do i still need to do partial water changes including cyphoning ?
  15. vince

    calcium amount for a 75 gallon

    does anyone have a 75 gallon tank and can tell me how much i hsould add? the drip rate?
  16. vince

    water changes/ cyphoning

    When I had crushed corals, I did 2 week interval water changes with cyphoning things out by pressing into the cc. now i have live sand, do i still need to do 2-week interval water changes and cyphon the livesand?
  17. vince

    coraline algae and live rock dying out

    i have never checked calcium/alkalinity since the beginning of my saltwater aquarium keeping. i use tapwater filtered for a week to replace my topoff.
  18. vince

    coraline algae and live rock dying out

    coraline algae on my live rock is slowly disappearing after few days i purchase it and it is being covered by these brown dust-like particles. would adding calcium to my water help the live rock come alive again?
  19. vince

    reef tank fish list. can you guys rate it?

    i don't think i have any. would adding calcium to my water dramatically increaase the amount of copepods in my water?
  20. vince

    has anyone kept firefish with hermits?

    i hope i get the same luck as you do ;)