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  1. captain hook

    Phosphate Question

    I've had a FO tank setup for about 3 years now and I've been thinking of converting to a reef. The only real trouble I've had with the FO setup lately has been algae. That brown stuff that covers everything. I thought it was due to high nitrate levels (I've had over 100ppm on numerous...
  2. captain hook

    Over-Aggressive Percula Clownfish!!!

    I had the same thing happen with my Percula. I had him for about a year before he got that way. Darn thing even attack my siphon once. He got sucked head first into the end of it. I thought that would calm him down, but it didn't. He even got to the point I couldn't introduce any new fish...
  3. captain hook

    Clean-up Packages

    I was thinking about purchasing the Big 20 cleanup pack (20 scarlet, 20 Blue leg, 20 Turbos, 2 Emeralds + 2 Brittle Stars) and I was wondering if anyone had had any problems adding this many inverts to their tank at one time? I have an established 75 gal tank with a yellow tang, hippo tang...