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  1. captain hook

    2 175 watts halide question

    Sounds like plenty to me. Good luck.
  2. captain hook

    Star Polyp Disaster!

    I got the pygmy angel from this site approximately 15 months ago. I've never seen him pick on any corals and I find it hard to believe that he took out that many in less than 48 hours. According to the web site he a pygmy/cherub angel, centropyge argi. I'll keep an eye on the fish, but so far...
  3. captain hook

    reb/brown algae outbreak..Help!

    The addition of the two clowns probably started a new cycle in the tank. Your seeing the increase in your nitrate level because of the additional bioload. If you have a DSB, then it will begin to work and start the denitrifying process. Once the nitrates are down the algae will go away...
  4. captain hook

    Star Polyp Disaster!

    I noticed yesterday that a section of my Green Star Polyps was missing. Now today I only have about 20 polyps left out of at least a couple hundred (the rock was totally covered). I think something must be wiping them out because the 20 that are out look fine. My first guess is that my...
  5. captain hook

    Tank Grounding

    I just measured the stray voltage in my tank and I was amazed to see that it was 25V AC. This seemed extremely high to me. Are we sure that this won't harm the inhabitants in my tank. That grounding probe is looking a bit more like a necessity. Any other opinions out there? :confused:
  6. captain hook

    Tank Grounding

    Thanks I'll check it tonight. I've never had the tank grounded in the three years it's been setup and I haven't had any problems. Has anyone out there really ever had issues come up because the tank wasn't grounded? I hate to spend $20 on a probe I don't really need.
  7. captain hook

    When should I change my bulbs?

    I think the rule of thumb is every 6 months, but my local fish guy said he usually stretches it on his tanks to about 8-9 months. I think it probably depends on the light requirements of your corals. I have 4 VHO bulbs on my tank, so I'm taking the approach of replacing 2 at a time and going...
  8. captain hook

    Tank Grounding

    Does anyone use a grounding probe in their aquarium? I was recently reading a book that recommended using one. I personally have never used one. I just plug everying into a power strip that is grounded. Does that do the same thing? Any electricians in the house? Thanks.
  9. captain hook

    Coral Purchase

    Just wanted to know if there's any limit to how many corals you can introduce into your aquarium at any one time. I have a 70g tank with 100+ lbs of live rock and 100 lbs of live sand. I added my first 2 corals about 2 months ago and their doing great. Now I want to add a bunch more and you...
  10. captain hook

    fire fish

    I got a firefish for my 75g tank about 15 months ago. I love him to death. He has built a home in the live rock and darts in and out all day long. He's really not as shy as I thought he'd be. He readily comes out at feeding time and joins the fray. He also eats everything I offer to him...
  11. captain hook

    Circulation Question

    Just wanted everyone's opinion of a reef tank's circulation rate should be. I've thought that 5 times the volume of the tank per hour was good, but now I'm leaning towards that not being enough. What does everyone think? :confused:
  12. captain hook

    Coral Information?

    I just wondered if anyone had found any good websites (not commercial, don't want to break the rules) that supply information on general care for corals. i.e. lighting requirements, water flow, growth rates, special needs, diet, etc. Any help is appreciated.
  13. captain hook

    Brittle Star vs Green Star Polyps?

    I sure hope it wasn't the brittle star. I too got two brittle stars with my clean up crew package and I just purchased some green star polyps 2 weeks ago. I haven't noticed this behavior yet, but I'll keep my eyes open. If I see the same thing I'll let you know.
  14. captain hook

    VHO Lighting

    I've got a 70g FOWLR currently with 3 NO lights. Since I haven't done corals before just wanted to get some opinions if this was enough to keep some low light corals. I was thinking about some blue and/or red mushroomms, maybe a colt coral, green star polyps, bubble coral etc. All water...
  15. captain hook

    My corals

    Hey tanglover, sorry the last one didn't post. I don't know what happened. Since you're the first person on this board I've seen from Indiana, I thought I'd ask if there were any LFS you might recommend there is Indy. There isn't much here in Bloomington and the only place I've been in Indy...
  16. captain hook


    Thanks UNH. Yes, the site I found was ESV. I'm glad you liked the sand. I guess I'll have to figure out what kind of look I want before purchasing.
  17. captain hook


    I can't find it anywhere either. I've been searching for it online and I've come up empty. I've found something called "Fine Grade" Oolitic Aragonite Reef Sand that was $20.95 for 50lbs. I assume this is probably OK, but it's still more than the Southdown stuff. Has anyone had success with...
  18. captain hook

    Huge Bristle Worms...any ideas on how to get them out??

    I've had people recommend the tweezer technique, but come on let's be realistic. I think I remember reading that coral banded shrimp like to feed on bristle worms. Anyone else here of this? Hope this helps and LOL.
  19. captain hook

    Phosphate Question

    It's 75g with about 75lbs of LR and 50lbs of LS. (I just order another 50lbs LR and 40lbs of LS) I think my nitrates are closer to 0 zero but the accuracy of the darn dry tab test kit isn't very good, so I'm looking at alternative test kits also. Will the extra LR and LS help at all? I want...
  20. captain hook

    Getting Live sand from reef- is it advisable?

    I have to agree with Tanker on this one. To my understanding you do have to have a permit and if you're caught tanking stuff out of the water or off the beach you can face a $10,000 fine and possible jail time. (I wouldn't quote me on this one, but I heard it from some guys talking down at the...