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  1. captain hook

    Fish Won't Eat

    Yesterday I did notice him start to pick at a couple of rocks, so that is promising. I have been feeding frozen brine, so I'll see if the LFS has any live brine they can sell me tonight and try that. I'll also check for the Cravex Plus and garlic. I was hoping they still made that stuff. I...
  2. captain hook

    Fish Won't Eat

    I bought an Eibli angel for my tank almost a week ago and I can't seem to get him to eat. All water parameters are good and he looks perfectly healthy except he won't eat. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do? I've tried brine shrimp, mysid shrimp and emerald entree in the past 6...
  3. captain hook


    It takes at least 4 weeks for the parasite to die off in the main tank. I'd wait at least 5 maybe 6 just to be sure.
  4. captain hook

    Help Quick! Ick and Popeye

    I came down with the dreaded ick thing and my Hippo tang seems to be the worst hit. He's the only one showing signs. I've been treating with hypo, currently down to 1.010 and dropping, but the hippo the evening is showing signs of popeye. At least I think it's popeye. His one eye is clouded...
  5. captain hook

    What in the blue h***?

    I've got this weird looking thing that has been driving me crazy. I was hoping someone could help me ID it. Sorry I don't have a digital camera to post a pic. It basically looks like a big silver/green ball about 1 - 1.5 inches in diameter. It used to be attached to a rock, but got knocked...
  6. captain hook


    I'm not sure about the leather, but I don't think that a bubble is too tough. I just make sure it gets plenty of light and I feed mine every 1-2 weeks, but that from what I read isn't necessary, I just like doing it.
  7. captain hook

    My Lights

    I don't know if it would help with an LTA, but I use 2 10K and 2 actinics on my tank and I love it. Only difference is that I have VHO. All corals doing great.
  8. captain hook

    Did i get a deal

    Just tell him you want it without the sand and see how fast he comes down on price once he realizes he might be stuck with a pile of sand with no place to put it. It becomes pretty worthless outside the friendly confines of that tank.
  9. captain hook

    Brain Coral Split

    I've got a red open brain coral that is in the process of splitting. The top is pretty much separated, but their still attached to the same hard base. Does anyone know how to separate them so I can put them in different parts of the tank?
  10. captain hook


    My guess is that's he's just stressed out because of all the additional action in the tank. With you hand in there alot and chasing those damsels around (I'm assuming with a net), I'm sure everyone in the tank is a little shaken up. As long as your water parameters stay good, my guess is when...
  11. captain hook

    How do I get rid of Rock Anemones? help!

    I can't remember where I read this (probably on this board), but it worked for me. I took some of my liquid calcium additive, nuked it in the microwave till it started to boil, put it in a syringe with a needle on the end. I then sprayed it along the tentacles of the anemone. It retracted a...
  12. captain hook

    Corals look sick

    I tested the water tonight and the only thing I see out of alignment is the pH. Ammonia = 0ppm Nitrite = 0ppm Nitrate = 0ppm pH = 7.9 - 8.0 Alkalinity = 3.5meq sg = 1.024 It's typically a little low usually around 8.1. Is this low enough to cause issues with my corals? Is there any home remedy...
  13. captain hook

    Corals look sick

    Amquel is an instant water detoxifier that is made by Kordon. The LFS recommended it to me before I started reading this board and switched to DI water. It supposedly removes ammonia, chlorine and chloramines. It says it's safe for saltwater use, but this is the first time I've put it in the...
  14. captain hook

    Corals look sick

    I need some help with this one. I just started a battle with ICH yesterday. I noticed it Saturday night and all fish were in bad shape by Sunday morning. In the process of capturing all of the fish to place in my quarantine tank I had to do a lot of rearranging. The water got pretty cloudy...
  15. captain hook

    ICH question

    I just had my first outbreak of ICH, white spots on my hippo tang. He's still acting fine though. My question, is it possible to introduce ich into the tank from a coral? I ask only because I haven't added any new fish to the tank for over 18 months. That seems a little late to just now see...
  16. captain hook

    White Spots

    No change last night. Still a couple of white spots and still some accelerated breathing. One spot looks round and the other one seems a bit oval. I'm still hoping it's not ick. He's still eating well and out swimming, so I'll just wait and see.
  17. captain hook

    White Spots

    I just noticed three small white dots on the body of my regal tang. They're all located behind and a little below the eye, but in front of the gill. He's breathing a little heavier than normal, but is still out swimming and eating well. I haven't noticed him scratching at all. My first...
  18. captain hook

    What should I get to stir my sand?

    A couple of months ago, I got some pretty cool new snails. They're called Baha snails. The guy at the store said they they will eat algae of the glass below the sand line. He's right! These guys are great. I find about half of them buried in the sand going along the glass. All you can see...
  19. captain hook

    Fin Rot?

    Typically, I feed twice a day. Usually, a flake food once and frozen food once. I usually alternate the frozen between Emerald Entree and Spirulina enriched Brine Shrimp. I also try to add a some Brown or Green Seaweed Select once a week for my two tangs. I have a 75 gal tank with 6 fish in...
  20. captain hook

    Fin Rot?

    I'm not sure but I think my yellow tang had fin rot about 6 months ago. Both his top and bottom fins looked like they were beginning to thin and then waste away. I pulled him out of the main tank and treated him with penicillin for a week. I'm not sure if this was the best medicine, but it's...