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    Starting a nano aquapod 12 gal. ?

    I have a FOWLR tank already and i bought a 12 gal. Aquapod to fool around with for reef.If i use some of my LR from my other tank and a bag of live sand and put some of my water out of the other tank how long should it take to cycle ? And after that could i put corals in or should i wait ? Thanks

    Stocking Help for an 105 Gall. Tank

    This is what i will be getting Rad. Lion Marron Gold Stripe Clown Valent. Puffer Blue Hippo Cole tang yellow Tang and maybe a Fighting Conch

    Stocking Help for an 105 Gall. Tank

    How about this list Snowflake eel Bursa Trigger Violation Lion Toby Puffer or Spotted Marron clown Gold stripe is this enough for this tank or should i add one more fish ?

    new porcupine pics

    what size tank should you have for a puffer ? and how many years does it take for them to reach a maximum size.I like the por. puffers but do not want to get a fish that will outgrow my 105 gall. tank.

    Stocking Help for an 105 Gall. Tank

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz How about a dwarf angel and/or dwarf puffer? Both of these fish are active and will add a lot of color to your tank. How about a hawkfish? Longnose hawks and flame hawks are very nice looking and do not take up much space. How about a marine betta? These fish are...

    Stocking Help for an 105 Gall. Tank

    Originally Posted by maroonytun i wouldn't try the hippo, but your list sounds good. O.k but what other fish would get along i need more than 3 fish.

    RO Water from Walmart

    Originally Posted by puffer32 Superwalmarts have a RO machine back of store where bottled water is, think its called culligan RO water. You take your containers in the store and fill them from that machine, you can even by jugs there and reuse them when you need a refill. That is the way our...

    Stocking Help for an 105 Gall. Tank

    O.K this is the list so far Snowflake EEL Maroon Clown ( gold stripe ) Rad. Lion Blue Hippo ? What others would go with these need a coulple more i would think for a 105 gallon tank.

    Stocking Help for an 105 Gall. Tank

    Originally Posted by maroonytun I wouldn't try doing the hippo tang, because imo, tangs need at least 6 feet of swimming room, many other members also agree on this. Well how about a puffer and a grouper kinda like the Porcupine Puffer.What Grouper would do well ?

    Stocking Help for an 105 Gall. Tank

    Nice Pic. man this is getting hard deciding what fish to put together I wanted a lion fish but i really like the Triggers too so many decisions :help:

    Stocking Help for an 105 Gall. Tank

    It is an Oceanic with matching base and top dimensions are 48" L X 18" W X 28 " Tall

    Stocking Help for an 105 Gall. Tank

    Do most Triggers get along as long as they are close to the same size ( Humu Humu Niger Queen and a Bursa) i might do these instead of a Lion and the others would be a Snoflake eel , Maroon Clownfish , Hippo Tang would these work ?

    Free to good home.....Triggerfish

    I wish i were close i would get them from you. I am looking for some triggers to add to my new tank.

    Stocking Help for an 105 Gall. Tank

    Originally Posted by maroonytun The trigger will eventually nip at the lion. Even if it's a Niger Trigger ?

    Stocking Help for an 105 Gall. Tank

    Maybe a Niger Trigger since i could have a couple of them and i think they would get along better with the Lion.

    Stocking Help for an 105 Gall. Tank

    Would a trigger be easier to do instead of a Lionfish and will it get along O.K with the Maroon Clown ?

    Stocking Help for an 105 Gall. Tank

    Hello,I have a 105 gallon tank with 100 pounds of live rock and around the same of live sand.I'm in the 3 rd week of the cycle proccess.Need some help on stocking.The 2 that i want for sure are a Snowflake eel and a Lion( rad. or voli.) not sure which yet.How about the clean up crew ? Thanks in...

    Newbie ? Ro Water For Tank

    Hello, I Have A 105 Gallon Saltwater Tank New Set Up.what Should I Do About Changing Water To Ro.i Filled It Up Using Tap Water And Used Water Conditioner.but Found Out Later That I Should Have Used Ro Water .if I Plan On Adding Reef Later.what Are My Options ?

    RO unit or Live Rock, Which is more important?

    Yes i did.Should i change my water since it's a new set up or what other options do i have?