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  1. tierodking

    pls help, losing interest in reff tank

    my bio load isn't that big, the tank is a 120g (new, 1 week old) there is a 6 line wrasse, a bi-color blenny, arrow crab, pom pom crab, cleaner shrimp, 3 dozen hermit crabs & snails & 1 sand shifting star. oh yeah, there WAS an achilles here are some shots of the water, you can see the...
  2. tierodking

    pls help, losing interest in reff tank

    here is a pic of the sump. Kinda hard to see, but on the far left is where both overflows enter the sump. Where the black foam is is a baffle that water must go over. I'm sure you see the LR. Then another baffle that the water must go under then come up through the blue & white sponge...
  3. tierodking

    pls help, losing interest in reff tank

    Please help, I am losing interest in my favorite hobby. I have been doing saltwater for 3 years now and I recently upgraded to a 120g tank w/ sump. I am frustrated in 3 ways. the 1st being my sump. I was getting lots of bubbles returning to my tank from my sump. I went out and bought...
  4. tierodking

    need a sump

    I am working w/ a very limited space. I have a 48" 120g tank. I am trying not to move the tank at all. I need something that will fit under the tank.
  5. tierodking

    need a sump

    I need a new sump, The one i have is making me crazy w/ the bubble & i can't seem to get the bubble baffle right. I have a 120g, i went out and bought a new sump today $300 and it was 1.5 inches too big and it won't fit. I need a sump that will fit under a 120g thta has a bubble baffle built in...
  6. tierodking

    online shopping

    where is a good place ONLINE to shop for sumps? I have a sump now, brand new, but the only thing I don't like is the bubble return to the tank. I can't seem to figure out a properly working bubble baffle
  7. tierodking

    is my sump too small?

    I have a 120g tank and a sump that is probably 20g. I also get a lot of return bubble back to the tank from the sump. I have put up temporary baffles to see what works best, then I will silicone them in place. I can't seem to get the baffles right so there are no return bubblres. I've...
  8. tierodking

    building bubble baffle in sump

    I need to build a bubble baffle in my sump. I have a lot of bubbles returning to my tank from my sump. I probably shoulda done more research on my sump b/4 i bought it, but ya know...H.S. is 20/20. does anyone know the proper way to build a bubble baffle? Should the water flow a) over, under...
  9. tierodking

    R O D I Water

    what exactly is D I water and how does it help. my RO system has a deionization cartridge on it already
  10. tierodking

    R O D I Water

    I know that it is reverse osmosis deionized water, I do have a Coralife RO unit, but what do you use/do to get the DI water, what is it exactly & how does it help?
  11. tierodking

    sorry-no post---mistake

    will repost later
  12. tierodking

    B O B

    Actually, now that I take a MUCH closer look, the bubbles are coming from where the water drops INTO the sump (the other water), this causes those bubbles, they then pass through the LR, through the sponge then into the area where the pump is. how would I get rid of that problem? thanks
  13. tierodking

    B O B

    Billions of Bubbles.... thats what I have in my tank. small pinhead bubbles. I thought it was unsettles dirt from the tank swap on Monday. I went from a 54 to a 120g. Right now I don't have any powerheads on, protien skimmer runnings or anything to cause turbulance in the water except for the...
  14. tierodking

    sick of ICK

    one of my concerns w/ hypo is that it seems to take soooo long. usually my fish are dead from ick w/ in a few days. hypo, to me, seems like it takes several weeks. I know that is for the whole treatment, but just starting the treatment, lowering the sal., that in itself takes several days.
  15. tierodking

    sick of ICK

    thanks for all your help, i'll see what the outcome is what is the reccommended qt time for new fish?
  16. tierodking

    sick of ICK

    i have read a little about hypo, but still am not 100% sure exactly how to do it.
  17. tierodking

    sick of ICK

    Now I have a 120g, and yes I do agree that a 54 is too small for a tang. I just did another freshawater dip. I did it for 2 min, any longer and it looks like the fish will die. he gets all pale, lays on one side and stops breathing, and thats just in 2 min. 8 min is a long time, i'm sure...
  18. tierodking

    sick of ICK

    my tank is 120g. I had a 54g and just swapped them on monday. so the ick will kill a fish, and remain in your tank. it can have samm outbreaks and then finally one day...bang... its a large outbreak and your fish are dead? when I take everything out of the tank for 6 weeks, that is fish...
  19. tierodking

    sick of ICK

    I haven't had an ick prob since my last powder blue. that was at least 5 months ago. I have an achilles now, just swapped tanks from a 54 to a 120, I sure that the move stressed him. but you said that icks cycle is 6 weeks, but does each icklette have a cycle of 6 weeks? so they will...
  20. tierodking

    sick of ICK

    It seems that whenever I buy a surgeon fish, they are good and happy for the 1st week or 2. after that it goes to sh"t. The tangs always come down w/ ick. I try kick-ick, fresh water dip (not 100% sure on proper way to do it). Is there something I am doing wrong? I can't keep a powder blue...