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  1. chipper

    Heat ?

    I have a 29gal FOWLR, and a marineland visi-therm heater 100 watts. I have it placed in the corner because I have to much LR and euipment. I am also concerned about water flow. I have a powerhead that is used for up to 30gal, but I am thinking that it there might not be enough water...
  2. chipper

    Heat ?

    Thanks, What type of heater would you suggest? I have read that it is better to have two heaters of 50 watts in the tank to reduce cold spots? Is this true?
  3. chipper

    Heat ?

    Hello, My tank is always set at 78 degrees, but at night it gets cold and I am concerned that there will be a flucuation in temp. I have a starfish and I am aware that they are sensitve to temp changes. What can I do at night to prevent heat loss in the tank besides turning the heater up in...
  4. chipper


    I was in a ***** not long ago and over half of the marine tanks had Ich. I asked the lady if the she was aware that the tanks were contaminated with Ich she said that she did not notice. I also heard a young teenager who worked there trying to sell a new aquarium setup and 10 fish to the...
  5. chipper

    Acclimation of Starfish?

    Ophiura, Thanks for your reply. My tank is a 29gal that has been completely cycled for about 14 months. I have a two to three inch live sand bed. I have 30 lbs of live rock. It is set up for a fish only tank. The ammonia, nitrite, and nitrates are all at 0. The ph is 8.3, the salinty is around...
  6. chipper

    Acclimation of Starfish?

    Hello, I know this might be a stupid question. I am getting a starfish online and had a question about acclimation. Everything that I have read about acclimation says that you should never introduce shipping water into a aquarium. When I was reading on how to acclimate starfish it says not to...
  7. chipper


    New to the forum and I have a quick question. I have a 29gal tank right now and I was thinking of an aggressive setup. Is this possible with a tank this small and if it is what kind of fish could I have.