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  1. cody57

    filter replacement question

    i can remove the bio balls slowly, but i wanted to get rid of the bubbles injected by the wet/dry. i found the pwrhd and 330's alot cheaper over the internet, so it would take awhile b4 i got the new filters. how slow should i remove the balls(how many balls/day)? thanks.
  2. cody57

    filter replacement question

    my tank is a 120gal. i was thinking the same thing about removing the bacteria build-up. i may be wrong, but isnt there alot of bacteria in the 125lbs of live rock? i guess i could introduce one 330 and later add the other one later.
  3. cody57

    filter replacement question

    i would like to replace my existing wet/dry filter with two marineland 330's. i also have a remora-pro hot skimmer and about 125 lbs of live rock. my sand bed varies from 3" to 4 or 5"(about 40lbs are live sand). i have one good powerhead and one not-so-good(which i'd replace with a better...
  4. cody57

    violet growth in tank

    thanks mike!!! i used too fine a picture (too many pixels on original snap shot). its kind of hard to see any detail. the original came out alot better. thanks again for your help.
  5. cody57

    violet growth in tank

    i'm sorry folks. i'm new at attaching pics to this site. i thought i had it, but obviously not.
  6. cody57

    violet growth in tank

    try pic again
  7. cody57

    violet growth in tank

    well...that didnt work. can anyone tell me how to add pics to my reply? thanks
  8. cody57

    violet growth in tank

    heres a couple pics of my tank, first time, so i hope this works. the dots below the skimmer box on the left side are the coralline algae spots.
  9. cody57

    violet growth in tank

    does it add any other benifits other than looking cool?
  10. cody57

    violet growth in tank

    yep, that appears to be what it is. i took some pics w/my digital camera, but the batteries died. once they're recharged, i'll take some more and see if i can post them here. i'm new w/the camera, so i'm having trouble w/close-ups of the coralline algae.
  11. cody57

    violet growth in tank

    hi folks, i noticed a light violet colored growth on my power hd and on the glass. up close it looks crystal-like. does anyone know what that is?
  12. cody57

    what is this thing?

    could this be a featherduster worm?
  13. cody57

    what is this thing?

    i just brought some more live rock home and while adding the rock, i noticed something that came out of the rock. it looks just like an earth worm, except it has a fuzzy orange plume at the tip. these orange plumes extend out to be tenticle-like feelers that reach about a foot or more in...
  14. cody57

    info on (coral trout/jewel bass) grouper

    does anyone have any experience with the coral trout/jewel bass grouper? he's a beautiful color red with blue spots.
  15. cody57

    will a coral trout grouper eat everything in my tank?

    i may have made the cardinal sin of marine aquarists!! i took the word of a fish store worker. he said this grouper would be okay with a fox face, volitan lion and a future huma huma trigger. the grouper is red with blue spots. he's about 4 to 5" long. when i got him home i looked on the web...
  16. cody57

    slime coming out of bahama starfish

    now that i can see his back, i see a patch of skin about the size of a nickel missing. he seems alot more sluggish, but he's still hanging on the glass. i didnt notice any of the fish picking on him and they're all fairly docile.
  17. cody57

    slime coming out of bahama starfish

    my bahama starfish is still on the glass of the tank and slowly moving, but he has alot of stringy slime oozing from his back. what could this be and how's it caused?:(
  18. cody57

    Ricordia corals

    ifound this bulb on marinelands website. ZOO MED FLUORESCENT LAMP 24" REEF SUN 50/50. i'll have to write them to see if it would fit in my fixture. or i could look in a lfs. it's 17 watts. i guess the fixture can only handle 18 watts.
  19. cody57

    Ricordia corals

    no hood. just two thin black encasements that sit atop the glass covers.
  20. cody57

    Blonde Naso Tang

    when i first got my blonde naso as i was acclimating him with the lights off, after a couple hours i looked briefly with a flashlight and mine had those white spots all over his body. by the time it was ready to turn the lights on, they were gone and mine is in perfect shape.