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  1. cody57

    Using Tap Water. What can I do to help?

    as far as distilled water, i forgot, he mentions it in the book, but i use tap water, so i didnt pay attention. distl'd may get a little expensive, maybe not. he said aging water two weeks and you shouldnt have to worry about chlorine, etc. but i do h2o chgs. weekly, so i cheat. but again...
  2. cody57

    Using Tap Water. What can I do to help?

    if you keep the change water in the garage, keep a lid on bucket to keep dirt, dust, etc. out of water.
  3. cody57

    Using Tap Water. What can I do to help?

    RabiasJewell, i wasnt ignoring you, i fell asleep. the initial fill water, IMHO, is going to alright, because your going to let tank run w/o fish for quite awhile any way. when you add fish, thats when you you want to have the change water to not cause stress on the fish. here's the name of...
  4. cody57

    Using Tap Water. What can I do to help?

    i didnt address the time thing. it really only takes abt 15 mins to refill the buckets and leave them alone for a week. but its nice to have pre-mixed saltwater for emergencies. my skimmer went crazy and drained abt 15 gals of water, it was nice to have at least 10 gals of warm saltwater to...
  5. cody57

    Using Tap Water. What can I do to help?

    the instant ocean salt i bought (60lbs) included a small power head free inside, you can use it for aerating(sp) your water chg bucket.
  6. cody57

    Using Tap Water. What can I do to help?

    what i do is have one 10 gal bucket filled w/salt water, age it for a week, use it for my weekly water chg, then refill it for next weeks water chg. i use the 4 gal fresh water buckets to replace the water i lose due to evaperation. remember the water that evaporates is fresh water, the salt...
  7. cody57

    Using Tap Water. What can I do to help?

    others may add comments on conditioners to add to your tap water, but you'll want to 'age' your water for at least a week. put a power head and small heater in bucket. i bought two 60lb buckets of instant ocean salt, bought a plastic storage bin w/lid and put the salt in the bin. i fill one...
  8. cody57

    please help!!!

    the chromis love it. my lfs has a plenty.
  9. cody57

    please help!!!

    yes, i did about a 9-10 gal. waterchg friday
  10. cody57

    please help!!!

    the only thing would be a half capful of zooplex by kent
  11. cody57

    please help!!!

    i sent my second email to the company pres(second time it happend)
  12. cody57

    please help!!!

    i have a remora pro skimmer w/drain cup to drain foam into a 5gal bucket. it was working fine for abt 3 weeks. now, for some reason it is draining water into the bucket. i came home from work to find my 120 gal. tank drained down abt 4" from top. water all over the floor. i had to add about...
  13. cody57

    how long is acclimation process?

    i agree with you michael, you cant just say,"ok he he's eating, so i dont have to worry about anything". i've just read on several types of fish 'difficult to acclimate to aquarium, but once acclimated, will do very well in aquarium'. my dot-dash butterfly, added yesterday, is very active...
  14. cody57

    how long is acclimation process?

    how many days/weeks/months must pass before you can safely feel a fish, say a butterfly, has safely gotten past the acclimation stage of being added to the new tank? i've read where alot of fish are hard to acclimate, but once acclimated, can live for many years.
  15. cody57

    puncato butterfly

    well, i just put a small amount of frozen brine shrimp in. i startled the butterfly when i opened to lid, but she came out of hiding and helped polish off the last few shrimps. i have another question. will fish stop eating when full unlike dogs? i fed the fish before i brought the bf home...
  16. cody57

    puncato butterfly

    the foxface and dot-dash butterfly are best freinds. they constanly follow each other around. so far so good.
  17. cody57

    puncato butterfly

    i was able to find out on the internet that he's also called a dot-dash butterfly and is easy to care for.
  18. cody57

    puncato butterfly

    can anyone give me info on a puncato butterfly?:rolleyes:
  19. cody57

    paste-like substance on live rock

    the rock is abt a month old and a week old. i point my aquaclear 5000 and hagen 802 at lr from both ends. though i might add, the 5000 wasnt operating at full strength til i chg'd the canister filter.
  20. cody57

    butterfly or tang?

    reid101, i think i am, the niger trigger looks great, but looking at different sites, mags,etc. they seem to get too aggressive. if i get a smaller naso, he should be good for awhile. besides, i'll teach him to smoke like the fish on diver dan(you have to be old to get that one) and it'll...