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  1. cody57

    what is this black blob?

    im finding all kinds of weird stuff with the latest pieces of lr i bought. there's this big black blob that came out of the rock. its abt 3.5" long x 2" wide. its pitch black, kind of velvet looking w/two antenae at the head(?)and a tiny white spot on each. it moves around on the rocks...
  2. cody57

    what is this thing?

    the black thing came out front. it's pitch black w/two antanae with a tiny white dot on the tips. it looks like a snail w/no shell.
  3. cody57

    what is this thing?

    i just looked in the tank and theres this big black thing w/what looks like the consistancy of a snail, but it was stretching from the new rock to and older one. it was abt 1/2" thick and was stretching abt 4". then it let go ang was abt 3" wide. anybody know what this is? btw the foxface...
  4. cody57

    what is this thing?

    i havent seen him since i put the rock in there. the rock has alot of cool growth on it, but at the lfs, it was in a tank with clams and other inverts. their lighting was alot stronger than mine, so i dont know what will survive in my tank. maybe i wont see this worm again.
  5. cody57

    what is this thing?

    what color are bristle worms normally?
  6. cody57

    what is this thing?

    of course now i cant find him. when i get a better look at him, i'll give a better description. thanks.
  7. cody57

    what is this thing?

    i just bought some live rock and when i was putting it in the tank, i saw this critter on it. its about 2-3" long, yellowish and looks like a centipede w/short legs. is it a good or bad guy? what is it?
  8. cody57

    zooplanx or zooplex by kent?

    jarvis, this is the first time i've used live rock. what do pods look like. theres all kinds of stuff on them. i have a lot of purple holes on them. also alot of black stuff. do you know what that is, good or bad? thanks.
  9. cody57

    can anyone tell me about a blue dot puffer?

    thanks cilifishdude! i understand the bluedot only gets 5" long. i also hear he'll nip at fins. maybe you can help on another matter. would a foxface be okay as the first fish(beside the chromis)? also i was going to get a hippo tang eventually, but the lfs owner talked out of it because...
  10. cody57

    zooplanx or zooplex by kent?

    i stopped by petland tonight and picked up 10 blueleg hermits and a turbosnail. while talking to the salesman, a manderin goby came up. i said i loved them, but read everywhere that they're hearty but very hard to feed. he showed me a product by kent, named either ZOOPLANX OR ZOOPLEX. it's a...
  11. cody57

    is a 6 gallon tank big enough for qt/intro?

    just a tank to hold new fish in quarentine(sp) for a week to see if its eating, no disease. a qt for sick fish. i guess it would be sm for a fish that grew larger later on, but i could get a bigger one b4 my fish got too big for it as a qt. the tanks at my local lfs seem to be only abt 5...
  12. cody57

    is a 6 gallon tank big enough for qt/intro?

    i just bought a eclipce 6 gal tank w/the filter w/bio wheel in the hood. would this be lg enough for a qt/intro tank?
  13. cody57

    can anyone tell me about a blue dot puffer?

    my tank has cycled about a week or two ago and i'm ready to add my first fish(not counting chromis') i'm having the hardest time figuring out what fish would be the coolest and yet be happy toghether and which i can make happy(feeding). i fell in love w/the blue dot puffer from some of the...
  14. cody57

    how soon can i add livestock?

    sorry, i have to learn how to type!!(doh) i tried to align the results in order and ended up entering post b4 i was ready.
  15. cody57

    how soon can i add livestock?

    my tank was set up 2/17/03. 3 green chromis and a sm amt of lr added 2/20. (2/28 added 20-25lbs lr) readings since (3/2= amm.=0, nitrites=5) (3/4=amm=0, nitri=5) (3/5 added 20-25lbs of lr) (3/6 amm=0, nitiri=0, nitra=5) (3/7 added 20lbs ls) (3/8 amm=0, nitri=0...
  16. cody57

    would a fox face destroy live rock?

    i was told by my lfs that butterflies would destroy my live rock by eating it too fast to re-grow. a few people on this site agreed. i'm trying to think of a replacement for the bf. would a fox face do the same damage?:confused:
  17. cody57

    butterflies kill live rock?

    i visited a lfs tonight and went over the fish list i want to add to my tank. he said butterfly fish would destroy my live rock. is this true??
  18. cody57

    what size powerhead?

    hey broncofish!! could you elaborate on the closed loopsyst.? im not familiar w/it
  19. cody57

    help a newbee???

    thanks a&m!!
  20. cody57

    help a newbee???

    can someone tell me how to add my tank and fish info onto my posts so i dont have to add that info when i post a thread?