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  1. jstrong

    can you do a search 4 local members?

    im in eastern panhandle. thanks for the help
  2. jstrong

    can you do a search 4 local members?

    just wanted to know if you could do a search for members in your area? thanks
  3. jstrong

    lighting question

    i have a fowlr tank. 72x24x18. i was going to put a vho ballast with 2 72" bulbs, i thinks thats 320 watts. should that be enough light?? i was also thinking about putting 1 metal halide in the middle of the tank. would that make the middle have a spotlight effect, or do i not need the metal...
  4. jstrong

    live sand

    ok ive seen several pods and my scooter blenny has been digging up and eating some kind of worms about an inch long
  5. jstrong

    live sand

    haven't had a chance to look yet. will let you know
  6. jstrong

    live sand

    just received my sand. it is alittle darker than the southdown, its almost beige. much more coarse then sd. it had a few small shells in it. overall very pleased!!!!
  7. jstrong

    rock placement??

  8. jstrong

    live sand

    i should get some in today from swf. will let you know
  9. jstrong

    rock placement??

    do you guys/gals try to keep your rock in the middle of the tank or let it rest on the back?? im still a newbie to the hobby, but addicted already!!!!!!!!
  10. jstrong

    best looking background???

    great thanks!!!
  11. jstrong

    best looking background???

    I just wanted to know some of your favorite backgrounds for your tanks. what looks better light or dark. Im still very new at this so i have no idea. Please share some pics to if you have them. Thanks
  12. jstrong

    Off Topic Football Poll

    lilbuddy, since your a giants fan i thought you would want the eagles to win since they are the only team in the nfc east not to win a superbowl. im voting for raider, but as long as the bucs dont win ill be happy
  13. jstrong

    another live sand ?????

  14. jstrong

    brine shrimp seeds

    great thanks!!!
  15. jstrong

    brine shrimp seeds

    they are kinda small about 1/8"
  16. jstrong

    brine shrimp seeds

    they came in some kind of play kit like sea monkeys. they look like little seeds, i guess they would have to be eggs. all the instructions say is add teaspoon of salt and let sit i window sill for a day. they have hatched and now he is supposed to feed them these little pellets.
  17. jstrong

    brine shrimp seeds

    my son has some brine shrimp seeds. it says to put in a bowl of saltwater and they hatch. can i feed these to my fish???
  18. jstrong

    another live sand ?????

    ok ive added 150 pounds of southdown sand to my tank. it is almost clear. i have 20 pounds of live sand coming tomorrow that i ordered from SWF, is the ls going to cloud up like the southdown did??? any tips on laying it on top of the other sand would be appreciated. thanks
  19. jstrong

    what to do with puffer

    i bought a spotted puffer about a week ago. he has since ate my snails. i know i should not have got him, but he was so damn cute. Is there any inverts he will not eat. I need a cleanup crew. should i just get rid of him??