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  1. jstrong

    what is the best way to wash southdown sand?

    great. thanks
  2. jstrong

    what is the best way to wash southdown sand?

    its an existing setup. i have cc in there now. should i take the fish out until it clears up?
  3. jstrong

    what is the best way to wash southdown sand?

    any help would be appriciated. thanks
  4. jstrong

    adding southdown sand

    when i do this it won't start to cycle again will it. i was thinking about putting everything in another tank until the sand settles is this a good idea. thanks again
  5. jstrong

    adding southdown sand

    no sand in there now. converting from cc
  6. jstrong

    adding southdown sand

    if i add southdown sand in my tank will it be ok if i wait a couple of weeks before adding live sand? thanks
  7. jstrong

    how to catch 4 stripe damsel

    thanks i'll try taking the rock out. i was thinking about trying to harpoon it, but i doubt that will work.
  8. jstrong

    how to catch 4 stripe damsel

    does anyone have any idea how to catch this nasty thing?? thanks
  9. jstrong

    aquaclear aquatics wet/dry filter opinions

    i was wondering if anyone had an opinion on the aquaclear wet/dry filters. i have a 125 gal. mainly fish tank. any opinions or suggestions to better filters would be appriciated. tia
  10. jstrong

    aquaclear aquatics wet/dry filter opinions

    i was wondering if anyone had an opinion on the aquaclear wet/dry filters. i found them pretty cheap on ----. tia
  11. jstrong

    when can i change to live sand

    my amonia is at .25, nitrites at 2.0 and nitrates at 15... im starting to get nervous. do you think i should add more live rock now or just see what happens oh and the fish have been in there since day 4. its been about a month now.
  12. jstrong

    when can i change to live sand

    i only have about 20lbs. of live rock. i have damsel, blue tang, 2 clown fish arrow crab, scooter blennie, couple of snails. i now know these are not good starter fish. i was stupid and listened to the fish store people. nothing has died yet. thankfully.
  13. jstrong

    when can i change to live sand

    hello, im a newbie. i have had a 125 gallon tank for about a month. cycling is going good. i have crushe coral, but now i want to change to live sand. when and how should i go about it. TIA