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  1. drummerkev

    My First Post

    So as I promised earlier in the week here are some full tank shots, there kinda blurry, sorry my d100 was charging .... and the rock that every 1 is commenting on, what you see is the underside of how is used to sit. Thats why it is still white
  2. drummerkev

    My SAd Day

    no i added the six line after the gramma and the gramma was the bigger fish, oh well. Now it is time for new fish
  3. drummerkev

    New Fish Question

    Thanks for the sympathy, now i am looking for a fish to replace my six line, any suggestions ?
  4. drummerkev

    New Fish Question

    Originally Posted by offsetfactor I figured i would add my wish list and see if there is something i could add (or need to remove). Tank is a 30g bow front, right now it is FOWLR, but i am planning on adding some easy corals. Currently: 2 False Percs Serpent Star 2 Cleaner Shrimp Some Nass and...
  5. drummerkev

    My SAd Day

    And the Funny thing to me is everything i read says that grammas will stay in a cave or a hole in the rock come out for food. But mine is swimming all the time. I wish i could ketch him and bring him back to the lfs, i wonder if they will take him back. They are the ones who said the two fish...
  6. drummerkev

    My SAd Day

    All I know is ever since I put them in the tank they were fighting and the six line was always skiddish of the Royal Gramma. But here is the pic of the sponge i found growing
  7. drummerkev

    My SAd Day

    So this morning i woke up turned on my lights, checked out the fish and all was good. I came home, went to feed the fish and noticed that they looked stressed, did a paramater check and all was good. But i noticed a Scar on my Royal Gramma, in the same size and shape of my Six Lines mouth. The...
  8. drummerkev

    show ur wrasses

    No long fin wrasse, but here are two pics of my six line
  9. drummerkev

    Feeding Anenomes

    I used to hand feed mine, freeze dried Shrip. AND he is still alive today, 5 years later. He is in a NANO cube now so i dont know if they hand feed him anymore.
  10. drummerkev

    My First Post

    No I didn't use bleach, I don't think the rock is still alive. I think every thing died off, it was in a bucket of salt water with Areation for like 5 months. But it is slowly comeing back. I have been noticing more and more purple algea on it and on the newer rock, higher in the tank, there...
  11. drummerkev

    My First Post

    Thanks for all the comments and kudos, I just realized that i dont have a full tank shot yet. I will take one this weekend and post it on mon. I left the camera cord somewhere and i for got where i put it. Yeah that rock is my center piece, i have had it for like 7 years. A Flor. Cond. anem...
  12. drummerkev

    My First Post

    Hi Every 1. Im new to the site but old to this hobby, i have been keeping salt water tanks for 13 years. I am including pics of my new tank mates. MY Six Line and my Royal Gramma. KeViN