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  1. ssmariner9

    Is a HOB filter really needed?

    I guess I just don't really see what benefit it has. I have enough turnover with powerheads and the prizm. I've heard that the microfiber filters will jsut raise nitrates.
  2. ssmariner9

    Is a HOB filter really needed?

    I've got 80lbs LR, 80lbs LS and a prism delux in my 55. I bought a millennium 3000 hob filter when i got the tank but am starting to wonder if it's any good? I can put carbon in the prizm so thats not an issue. I've heard that hob power filters can be nitrate factories. What does everyone think?
  3. ssmariner9

    Serious Sandbed Problem

    tank is approx 2 1/2 mo old. I've never tested phosphates. I need to do a water change soon, just tested nitrates and they were about 15
  4. ssmariner9

    Serious Sandbed Problem

    I have patches of red slime and green hair and brown. The tank sits across the room from a window, I'll try to keep the blinds closed. Here is my new plan of action: I'm going to leave the lights off for a few days and when I doa water change ina couple days i'm gonna rinse the rock off in...
  5. ssmariner9

    Serious Sandbed Problem

    I have got algea of all sorts all over my live rock and I'm sick and tired of it. My Nitrates are 0 and i've got over 15x filtration. Here are what I belive my options are, which is best? 1. Take out all rock and clean it, then stir up sand a little to get a nice fresh layer on top. 2...
  6. ssmariner9

    Key West Aquarium

    I've been to Key West many times over the last 10 years and I have to saw it's probably my favorite place in the states. The Ocean Key House is what I assume you're reffering to as "hotel on the end of the main street-Duval). I love the Key House, and always stay there when I go. Next time...
  7. ssmariner9

    Missing tank inhabitants!

    I guess molting could be an option. I didn't know that their shell broke up so much when they molted though. I was under the impression that they just sliped out of it like a hermit. The shell pieces look pretty clean, I'll examine more closely later. Also, I got some margarita snails today...
  8. ssmariner9

    Missing tank inhabitants!

    Wow, I'm really starting to lose my patience in this hobby, and thinking about cutting my losses. I bought 3 emerald crabs from my LFS 2 days ago. Within the bag were two very small green crabs-obviously emeralds-and also 1 larger (about the size of a silver dollar) and much darker brown...
  9. ssmariner9

    2 things that interested me

    1. I just got 3 small emarld crabs today. I must say, very interesting creatures to watch. They are already doing a good job cleaning some LR, but will they clean the sand like I want then too? I ordered some trochus snails, maybe they'll do the job. 2. My LFS has several tanks with bubble...
  10. ssmariner9

    Finding a Tank?

    Best piece of advice I ca offer you is to shop online for everything you can! Almost always the prices are dramatically cheaper. I second the 55 gal too. Take your time and maybe you wont have to say "if I had to do it all over I would have..." like most of us do!
  11. ssmariner9

    I need to clean this tank up!!

    Thanks for the advice. I'm am not enlightened as to the purpose of nassarius snails. Anyway, I think I'm gonna try to get some astrea snails, I hear they do a better job than turbos and don't fall off nearly as much. My nitrates are low so I don't think that is the problem. Never checked...
  12. ssmariner9

    I need to clean this tank up!!

    Hello all. I've had my 55gal with 60lbs LR, 20 base, and 80 lbs LS up for about 2 months now. I started with 7 turbos and 12 nassarius snails. Now i have 2 percula clowns also. I also have a prizm, and hob 300 gph filter. Anyway, to my question - slowly after putting the snails into the...
  13. ssmariner9

    How to tell the difference between turbo's and Nassarius snails

    My nass snails look nothing like the snails on this website. You will know for sure they are nass in that they are much smaller, and they also have a parascope type tenticle that sticks out and above the shell.
  14. ssmariner9

    The definitive Prizm thread

    I've had my prizm opperating now for about 1.5-2 weeks. Although it does pull out some dark colored liquid, no luck with "dry" foam. I am adjusting it constantly, and I had it at a setting where it would very slowly boil over with mostly clear foam, but left brown gunk behind. Someone, please...
  15. ssmariner9

    Valentini Puffer eat my shrimp?

    I really wanna get a valentini puffer for my 55, but if I also get a cleaner shrimp or 2 will he definatly mes with them?? What are the chances he would leave them alone? I really only want the cleaners because I think it would be really neat to watch them clean a fish, plus the health benfits.
  16. ssmariner9

    New clown not eating

    Oh, i'm so so sorry for you then...
  17. ssmariner9

    New clown not eating

    Yah, he parameters are all fine, and the current is ok, he can dash all around the tank if he wants to, but I'm more worried about not eating. I mean, it's been almost 3 days and he hasn't eaten. I'm gonna get some frozen plankton stuff from my LFS on Mon that they reccomended.
  18. ssmariner9

    New clown not eating

    My new baby clown that I got about 2 days ago refuses to eat. I've tried to feed him flake frenzy, but he just won't eat it. Plus, because he stays up in the corner of the tank he wont go after the food that gets blown around in the tank. What should I do, I'm getting worried about the little...
  19. ssmariner9

    New Tank

    Welcome! You can add a frozen cocktail shrimp (like from a grocery store) to get your cycle jump started. THis will kick off the ammonia spike. Please don't cycle with damsels! After that just sit back and wait, and when it comes time to add fish, be patient! Enjoy the new hobby!
  20. ssmariner9

    Run Generator During Storm

    Beth - Where at on the keys?? I go down to key west at least once every year, I absolutly love it down there. Actually, i'll be there in March!