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  1. blue steel

    powder blue needs help

    I have a powder blue and he will keep his mouth wide open. I thought he may close it when he eats, but he did not. He could not even eat due to this. I feel there is somthing major wrong with him. the only other thing I have noticed is that he has a few black spots only on his vental fin.
  2. blue steel

    need help with powder blue

    I was gone for the weekend and when I came back I noticed that my powder blue will not shut his mouth, it is constantly open wide and will not move. I fed the fish and he could not even eat. the only thing I noticed besides his mouth is that he as little black spots on his ventral fin.
  3. blue steel

    green water

    thank you for helping me with this green water. when you used this seaclear medicine, did it work well. oh and one more thing, I have only the regular filter pads that come with my penguin400. shall I buy the kind you mentioned?
  4. blue steel

    aquaclear 402 powerhead?

    does anyone know if the aquaclear 402 can be submerged underwater?
  5. blue steel

    ITS CLEAR? Please help

    I saw that SALTWATERFIS.COM sells a chemical called ITSCLEAR does anyone know anything about this and if it is good for algae blooms?
  6. blue steel

    green water

    I looked at that site and they spelled it a little different. they spelled SEA-CLEAR you spell it SEA-KLEAR I looked in the internet for both and Ic ant find anything except for the way you spell it. But it says that it is used in swimming pool, spas, and ponds, but nothing about saltwater...
  7. blue steel

    green water

    would you please write back and tell me how it works? Because I think it is just for freshwater
  8. blue steel

    green water

    Well I just can not get rid of my green water. I have turned my lights of for days, lots of water changes, put phosphate absorbers and even used denitrate. I found out about a medication called ACCU-CLEAR. Can I use this for green water in my saltwater aquarium?
  9. blue steel

    green water

    Well I just can not get rid of my green water. I have turned my lights of for days, lots of water changes, put phosphate absorbers and even used denitrate. I found out about a medication called ACCU-CLEAR. Can I use this for green water in my saltwater aquarium?
  10. blue steel

    green water

    well no I didnt add any lighting but I did do about eight water changes in two weeks, due to my filter breaking. So I did this to keep water clean
  11. blue steel

    green water

    well my tank was looking good until now. All my water is a cloudy green color. I have no Idea what the prob is. One guy told me that I did too many water changes in a short period of time and I lost all my bacteria. My nitrates and PH are fine. please help :help:
  12. blue steel

    clean sand?

    what are pods
  13. blue steel

    clean sand?

    well I was wondering what would be the best thing to do to get a sand bed that is clean and white? I was told that blue legged crabs are good so I bought one and it does nothing I was also told to buy to aquacultured fighting conches and they dont even move they stay under the sand all day.
  14. blue steel


    wow I like all of your pics how do yall keep your sand bed so white and clean:joy:
  15. blue steel

    mushroom excreting

    I did a water change just a while ago and while I added my Ph buffer my mushroom excreted some kind of stringy white stuff. Is it okay? do I need to take him or the white stuff out?
  16. blue steel

    umbrella mushroom help

    yea it looks as if they are attached to a little peace of rock about 1/4 inch.
  17. blue steel


    how long does quarantine require for a new tang that I just purchased, to place in my display tank.
  18. blue steel

    umbrella mushroom help

    I finally got my umbrella mushrooms in and I was wandering how and what should I feed them. Also I place them on top of a rock and after a while they are on the sand bed shoud I just leave them on the sand or place them on the rocks?
  19. blue steel

    green umbrella mushroom help

    well I just got my umbrellas in and I have no Idea what they eat, how to feed them, and I place them on one of my rocks and after a while I find that they have fallen to the sand. Should I just leave in on the sand or do they need to be on a rock to multiply? :help:
  20. blue steel

    Ammonia question

    I just purchased an ammonia test kit from my lfs, but sometimes they are not too bright, and I got a freshwater test kit. Can I use this kit to test my ammonia levels, or do i need to get one strictly for saltwater? Also would the numbers(results) be the same?:help: