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  1. blue steel


    what exactly is the benifit of haveing plants in your aquarim:nope:
  2. blue steel

    black spotted grouper for trade or free!

    hi I was just looking around at this forum and I found this old message I was just wanting to know it you got rid of your fish yet?
  3. blue steel


    can overfeeding be a reason to get cyanobacteria all over the glass of the tank. This alage does not appearto be on the rocks
  4. blue steel

    how to get clean sand?

    would you get a fighting conch or aquacultured fighting conch or a queen conch
  5. blue steel

    which tank???

    i thought that cowfish were not reef safe... mine nips at my rocks, they may also release a toxin if they get too stressed or if they die...just a thought though
  6. blue steel

    Stuff Eating My Hermit Crabs + Fish

    i might be completely wrong, but have you thought about the possibility of a mantis shrimp... I recently had one, that came on lr, that was the culprit to many mysterious deaths
  7. blue steel

    how to get clean sand?

    what is a coby?
  8. blue steel

    how to get clean sand?

    I have heard of all kinda of things to do to get clean sand but since my budget is only so much, I want to know what is the best to buy. I heard sea cucumbers are good,even certain kind of snails.
  9. blue steel

    bacteria or algae who knows?

    yea well as I look at it now it seems not to be too slimy. what should I do to get rid of either one?:jumping: it looks more like a rusty color just on the glass. or just makes the glass look like if it is dusty
  10. blue steel

    bacteria or algae who knows?

    hey well I have had my take for a while already and I have gotten cases of the redish film on the glass. it looks like red algae but not for sure. After it covered all my glass I did a water change and scrubed the glass, and two days later it came back what shoud I do?:help: it looks nasty
  11. blue steel

    bio balls

    are bio balls necessary for a sump:help:
  12. blue steel

    Sailfin tang

    Thanks for the suggestions, I will definetely start keeping more algae and other greens in the tank. As for the spots being a desjardian, the species that I have in a veliform which is what they said the other one with spots was. Thanks again!
  13. blue steel

    Sailfin tang

    The last time I checked my levels everything was normal, but that was about 5 days ago and this has been an increasing problem. He is only about two and a quarter inch, an I only have a small damsel, some snails, crabs. He eats mysin shrimp everyother day along with flakes. recently I put...
  14. blue steel

    Sailfin tang

    I have a sailfin tang and it has recently been losing it's color. Overall it seems to be healthy, but I can't figure out why it is fading. I thought that maybe it would be his diet, but I am not sure. :notsure: Also I saw one at another lfs, which was the same species, but it had spots on...
  15. blue steel

    are cowfish bad to have, are they reef safe?

    Cowfish do look really cool, but they do have the potential for releasing a deadly toxin(as long as you get a dead fish out fast enough and keep the stress levels down). I used to have one and it had ich a couple of times and would nip at my rocks, I eventually had to take him out.
  16. blue steel

    sump questions

    and what happens if the outlet pump stops to work will the inlet pump overfill the sump and spill water everywhere.
  17. blue steel

    sump questions

    thanks for the advice. But I have one more quesion. and that is what kind of pump is used to pump the water into and out of the sump? where did you purchase yours at.
  18. blue steel

    sump questions

    I heard many stories of how I should purchase me a sump. What exactly is a sump? and what are the benifits? And what equipment must I buy for a sump. :help:
  19. blue steel

    ordering question

    Thanks for the feedback! I have been wanting to take advantages of the prices, but I have been afraid of ordering live organisms from the web.
  20. blue steel

    ordering question

    I am really worried to order online, has everyone had satisfactory results from Any kindof feedback will help, Thanks! :confused: