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  1. tecster93

    What is the WORST thing you've heard the LFS say??? I got a great one!!

    well im sorry to hear about everyones poor LFS's... I for one am very pleased with the one i go to... Very helpful and best of all very knowledgeable... Never steered me wrong and have been there from the start... They are straight up with what is a smart choice, to the point where i can ask if...
  2. tecster93

    Purple up

    i have been using it for about a month or so... I have seen a lot of growth during that time, i recommend it...
  3. tecster93


    you can also light him up with calcium... It works very well...
  4. tecster93

    Cleaning the sand bed...

    'Tanks' everyone
  5. tecster93

    Cleaning the sand bed...

    Does anyone have a great way to clean your sand substrate(of little debris like pieces of tiny rock and other discolored pieces)? any devices that work well or techniques? any advice would be a great help... 'Tanks'...
  6. tecster93

    Tiny Aiptasia

    Injecting it with calcium also works really well... I just jabbed the little sucker and shot him with it... It then turned into a slim and just desintegrated....
  7. tecster93

    Super fast cycle in my 12gal ???

    my 26gal cycled in about a week soooo, its possible...
  8. tecster93

    What Kind Of Fish Is This?

    Originally Posted by philgmiami FW? Freshwater i believe...
  9. tecster93

    background color

    I went to kmart and got some shower linings(about $2 a pop)... One tan and one dark blue, then cut them to size and lightly taped it to the tank because they stick to the glass from the static anyway. I have the tan as the backround right now and its cool because it looks like my sand is...