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  1. otfurball

    Holy Bristle Worms!

    OMG what happens when you touch it?
  2. otfurball

    Holy Bristle Worms!

    WOW, I stand corrected. That is a serious worm.
  3. otfurball

    Can I add a starfish or 2?

    I have had a choc chip for about a year. He is awesome, but only for Fish only.
  4. otfurball

    Holy Bristle Worms!

    I went and got an arrow crab last night. Very cool little guy. I doubt one small arrow crab will thin the herd too much. One of the worms was on the go last night and MAN it is long. - least 5 inches. I never thought I was feeding too much but maybe you are right. I usually do 2 cubes of...
  5. otfurball

    Fish have been hiding

    the Ananomes hve been in for a while. The hiding has been going on for while. I think that is what it is b/c the tank has been in the same spot for almost 3 years and they really weren't hiding.
  6. otfurball

    Garlic for fish

    I bought food with garlic in it. Smells a little wierd for fish food while it is defrosting but it seems to be a good thing. I like it already in the food, b/c then I can guarantee that they are getting the right amount.
  7. otfurball

    Fish have been hiding

    The tank is super healthy but I wonder if the vibrations in the floor when I walk by are frightening them. Also, I put an anenome in there and it moves around alot. Could this be freaking them out? Thanks to all of you for the great advice and conversation.
  8. otfurball

    Holy Bristle Worms!

    these are all great points. I am just interested in thinning the heard. there are so many squirming all over the rocks that I fear there are too many. they are pretty cool looking, but I worry about not enough coepods for my mandarin, etc. will an arrow crab thin them out too much?
  9. otfurball

    Can brittle Starfish escape the tank?

    He must have gone back to the bottom of the tank b/c I didn't see him on the floor this AM. He might be behind the tank, but I doubt it. He has done this before but never for as long as he had last night. Thanks for the conversation.
  10. otfurball

    Holy Bristle Worms!

    some people say six line wrasses will eat them, do you know if this is true?
  11. otfurball

    Can brittle Starfish escape the tank?

    will he get out?
  12. otfurball

    Can brittle Starfish escape the tank?

    yes but at the top of the tank feeling around the piping and the surface of the water.
  13. otfurball

    Can brittle Starfish escape the tank?

    Any thoughts? Mine seems to be climbing to the top of the tank.
  14. otfurball

    Holy Bristle Worms!

    I just had a "hatching" of bristle worms in my tank. They are all over my rock and in my sand. All sizes. Any chance this can get bad? I had not seen thi smany before today. Seems a bit extreme. Thoughts? My six line died about a month ago. He must have been keeping them at bay. What...
  15. otfurball

    need a skimmer for a 55gal

    hey clownsrcoo, If you don't go with the other deal let me know. There is no powerhead and I am flexible on price. I wills end picture if you are interested
  16. otfurball

    Looking for a skimmer for my 75

    Have a seaclone 150 for sale. Great condition used on a 72 gallon.
  17. otfurball

    need a skimmer for a 55gal

    I have a skimmer seaclone 150. It is used but in great shape and clean. hoping to get 75.
  18. otfurball

    Help A Beginner Plz!

    some advice I can give is take your time - nothing kills your tank like moving too quickly don't move stuff around - put it in it's place and leave it alone. movement disrupts. LIVE SAND - super important to keep it healthy don't over clean - do not sweat if the water gets cloudy during the...
  19. otfurball

    Feather Duster Question

    read the details before using anything. keep in mind that the feather duster is really a worm and they do tend to move around a bit especially when unhappy. I would not write them off just yet. Also, you should do a little off board research on the suggestions you are getting, even from me...
  20. otfurball

    Feather Duster Question

    I thought mine bit the dust as well. But they returned in a different location a few weeks later. Water Qual has alot to do with it. they are filter feeders - I got a product called selcon concentrate which is a fatty acid which most of the foods lack. I use that 2-3 times per week (soak your...