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  1. whiterose


    I have a a 10 gal. tank that I would like to make into a mini reef. I have heard of this and like the idea. I want to have corals, anemones and that sort of thing. What would be good, besides mushrooms, to keep in there that would not get too big and do I still need a cleanup crew?
  2. whiterose

    clean-up crew

    Originally posted by Dacia I'm not an expert, but I think that 20 hermits, 20 snails, maybe 2 cleaner shrimps, and a fighting conch would be fine. For hermits, I would go with the less aggressive scarlets. For snails, a mixture of nassarius, cerith, and astrea snails would be good. Don't get a...
  3. whiterose

    clean-up crew

    What is considered a good, well-balanced clean-up crew for a 55 gallon tank?
  4. whiterose

    Coraline or slime

    Originally posted by krishj39 To expand on guy's reply, the red slime algae can take over your tank and is found when tank conditions aren't good (sounds like you might have a new tank, and so going through a phase of red slime algae is very normal). Coraline algae is desired because it give...
  5. whiterose

    Worms, I think!

    Originally posted by The Claw Definaltely a good thing. Its one sign that your tank is doing good. Where do they come from? I primarily have a corral bed mixed witha little sand. Do they tend to live in that?
  6. whiterose

    Worms, I think!

    I have found these reddish or pinkinsh looking worms in my crushed corral What are they and how do I get rid of them? They are fast too! They seem to live under the crushed corrral and you can the tunnels they leave through the glass.
  7. whiterose


    Originally posted by cardstars i just found out that the 2 growths that i got on my live rock at the lfs are aptasia. there are only 2 of them and they are on a small 1/4 pound piece of live rock. can i just take it out and scrub them down the drain and put the rock back in? will this simple...
  8. whiterose

    purple lobster

    Originally posted by CindySki whiterose, what else do you have in your tank? I have clarkii's, damsels, black mollies, Spotted Hawkfish, snails, hermit crabs, curlique anemones, mushroom corrals, cup corral, several varieties of chromis, peppermint and cleaner shrimp
  9. whiterose

    The shrimp thing

    Sounds like you are beginning th cycling process. When I started, I put in about 20-25 black mollies in my tank. Be sure to acclimate them to saltwater by adding saltwater every ten minutes to the water they came in until you have doubled the water volume. You will eventaully loose the mollies...
  10. whiterose

    purple lobster

    I have one a purple lobster and I enjoy watching it, WHEN it comes out. If you want to enjoy seeying what you have on a regular basis, then a losbter is probably not for you because they keep hidden most of the time. But when they do come our, they are very cool!
  11. whiterose

    Coraline or slime

    What is the difference between the red coraline algae that is supposed to be good for the tank and the red slimmy algae growing all over the tank (the back, on live rock, on the bottom)?
  12. whiterose

    Pink Tipped Anemone

    I have a Pink Tipped Anenone and am not having luck with it. It shrinks constantly and sometimes has a green hue to it. I have excellent water quality and 2- 130watt light strips. I don't know what it wrong, but I would like to save it. What can I do. I will say that I don't feed the anemone...