Search results

  1. whiterose

    water imbalance

    I supplement with iodine, calcium, and strombium two to three times per week (Kent Marine). No, my corals look fine, but I have heard that wrong calcium levels can affect the GROWTH of corals if too low or too high. I did discover tonight as I was reading the tests kits that the GH test can't be...
  2. whiterose

    water imbalance

    I use R/O water and my levels do matter in that I have many corals, mainly soft, to think about. I have tried two calcium kits and both are not registering, which leads me to believe that calcium levels are too high, but I am not sure. Previously I tested calcium and they did show, but not now...
  3. whiterose

    water imbalance

    I am having a hard time balaning my water levels. The nitrate, nitrite, ph, and ammonia are OK. I am having trouble with the calcium, GH, and KH. The calcium is not even registering on the charts, nor is the GH. I keep putting drops in and the colors don't turn. Does that mean low or high...
  4. whiterose

    slug, cucumber, or nudibranch?

    it does kinda like that, but it appears to be thinner and longer. Unfortunately I can't get a pic.
  5. whiterose

    slug, cucumber, or nudibranch?

    I found this snail looking creature in my tank that resembles a snail without a shell. It's about the length of a fingenail form top to bottom. I have read previous threads and I think it may be a sea slug, nudibranch, or sea cucumber. My question is, what is the difference between the three? If...
  6. whiterose

    lighting question

    I am wondering if anyone can advise me as to how to arrange my compact lighting system to be the most beneficial to my corals and other inhabitants. I have 2 STRIPS each containing 2 10,000K and 2 actinic blue lights (side by side that extends the length of the tank) as shown below. Blue...
  7. whiterose


    Where did you get your retro set up master reef? I know I have been researching and I priced them between $200-$300. You say you run 4 lights. What type of lights are you running?
  8. whiterose


    My 55 gal. tank currently has one 130w (2- 65w bulbs side by side) actenic blue light strip and 130w (2- 65w bulbs side by side) of 10,000K light strips. I am not happy with the setup because I have to remove the strips averytime I want to get into the tank. Plus the fact that I need more...
  9. whiterose

    nitrate levels

    Can anyone tell me if there is a difference in nitrate levels in a tank containing FISH only, CORALS only, or fish AND corals. I have heard that reef tanks are generally lower in nitrates than a fish tank. If so why is that?
  10. whiterose

    supplementing the aquarium

    As always, when you ask the same question to 6 different people you get 6 different responses. In any case I would like to read what my fellow aquarists have to say about adding supplements to saltwater tanks. Originally I was told to use calcium, iodine, and strombium to my tank. Now I am being...
  11. whiterose


    Thank you for the info. I will follow your advice!
  12. whiterose


    How many hours of light is sufficient for a reef tank containing soft corals and some fish? Also I have heard that it's a good idea to put each light on a separate timer. What is the suggested way to set up each timer? I heard one light should go on one hour before the other and one hour after...
  13. whiterose

    protein skimmer

    What is the appropriate way to adjust a protein skimmer. I know it should have small bubbles, but how high should they be. I was told the skimmer should look like the head on a beer mug. But I want to know how high the bubbles should circulate. Also, how long before the skimmer begins working...
  14. whiterose

    maintaining a good balance

    I notice after adding a powerhead to my tank to help get rid of the red slime that bubbles are forming on the front of the glass asdn red slime is settling in in that area. Any thoughts on that. I also changed water and cut down the light time and red slime is strong as ever. I wonder if I turn...
  15. whiterose

    maintaining a good balance

    In order to get rid of the red slime algae, I have tried to increase the oxygen in my 55 gal. tank by installing a powerhead. I have also purchased a R/O unit and after my hard work have failed to lower the phosphate levels and increase the oxygen to keep the algae in check. What can is a person...
  16. whiterose

    moving a tank

    Does anyone have advice about the proper, or best, procedure for moving my tank from one state to another? We are military and forsee a change in station in the next year or so and would like advice about moving my tank. I don't want to get rif of my collection, since I have come to love this...
  17. whiterose

    reverse osmosis

    How do I obtain RO water? Do I need a machine, or filter? What is the actual process for making the water?
  18. whiterose

    reverse osmosis

    How do I prepare water for changes using the reverse osmosis method?
  19. whiterose

    new discovery

    I only have an orange starfish and a serpent starfish. The starfish I saw resembled my serpent specimen. How would I get brittle starfish without having those in the tank? Is that possible?
  20. whiterose

    new discovery

    As I was trying to clean up the nasty red slime off the bottom of my tank with my hand, I noticed what looked like worms moving in amonsgt the slime and sand in hand. Taking a closer look I discovered that they were not worms at all. Instead I found that they were baby starfish that look like my...