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  1. apple5150

    Metal Halide Decisions

    Ok, so I took the plunge and bought 2-250 Watt metal halide retrifit kits. I received them in the mail today and the paperwork with them say to use a Hamilton mogul bulb or anything pulse start. What kind do any of you recommend? Also, what types of bulbs should I get, 10K, 20K, or 65K? I also...
  2. apple5150

    Serpent Star eating Hermits and snails????

    I feed Fresh Brine every other day, and 1 cube of either krill, formula one, or spirulina on the off days. I dont feed anything directly to the serpent, I was told that I did not need to. I dont buy my fish from the lfs, only from the specialized saltwater stores. They are the ones who sold him...
  3. apple5150

    Serpent Star eating Hermits and snails????

    The tank has been running for over 5 years now, so it is very established. Water quality is good, 1.022, 8.1 ph, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites and nitrates. I do not add any additives to my tank, except for phytoplankton for my mandarin. My tank includes 1 male mandarin, 1 damsel (dont remember what...
  4. apple5150

    Serpent Star eating Hermits and snails????

    Has anyone ever had their serpent star eat their hermit crabs? I got a serpent star about 3 weeks ago and ever since my hermits have started dissapearing and partial bodies have started turning up. My water is fine, and nothing is wrong with any of my fish, so I am thinking it has to be him...
  5. apple5150

    green mandarin with a psychedelic?

    I have been wanting to try this too but I have not because I already have a male mandarin, and he is pretty dominant. I have heard you can but that it all depends on the fish. I would say maybe add them at the same time so that they cannot claim territory and they might do ok.
  6. apple5150

    Air bubbles good or bad

    Wow, I am glad someone asked this. I have a bubble wall in my tank and have had it but never knew it was bad. I do have alot of salt creep though, so that answers why i get that so bad. I will be taking mine out as soon as I get home tonight. Thanks!!! [hr]
  7. apple5150

    My New DIY MH Canopy w/ Pics!

    Hey masala, sorry I didnt realize I didnt send my email. My email address is I just bought my ballast kits but I am doing my own DIY caompy too, so I need to get working on it. Thanks for the help!!
  8. apple5150

    Cinnamon Clowns

    I had a cinnamon or tomato clown, I have heard them called both, and I just returned it to the pet store yesterday because it was very aggressive and was beating up and killing other fish. Yours could be different though, maybe try looking for them under tomato clown.
  9. apple5150

    Articulated Coralline

    I have this stuff too and I do not know what it is. I have it all over some of my rocks. Would be nice to know. Anyone have any ideas??
  10. apple5150

    Orange Spot Goby

    I just purchased an orange spotted goby from the LFS, and I spent over 3 hours acclimating him, so I know it was done slowly. Well, since I put him in the tank, he has been breathing very heavily and just sitting there. I also bought some hermit crabs and they are fine along with the condi...
  11. apple5150

    120gal reef/85gal sump fuge

    Now that would be a mothers day gift!!! You wanna send him this way? THere was no gift giving here, my little ones dad thinks since we are not together anymore he does not have to do anything. Some people!!! Anyways, very nice!!! I am jealous!
  12. apple5150

    Big Fish!

    Congrats!!! Boy, girls in their terrible 2's are just a handful!! I am going through it right now. I dont know how you do 3 of them!!
  13. apple5150

    Dwarf Lionfish with shrimp

    Has anyone had any luck keeping dwarf lionfish with any type of shrimp? Everything I have read says that it might eat my shrimp. I already have a lionfish, and would like to get some shrimp but I am afraid of them becoming dinner. My lionfish only eats frozen brine at this point, and is very...
  14. apple5150

    Flame Angel & Lemonpeel

    I have not heard much on the Lemonpeel but I have heard on the Flame angel that you want it to be the last fish added to the tank to avoid it possibly becoming agressive, or even dominant towards others that may be introduced after it. I have heard that it is pretty safe with reefs, and that it...
  15. apple5150

    Live Rock

    I just thought I would tell you I did the same thing with the adding the rock slowly since my tank was existing when I started switching to reef, and it made all the difference. I have not had any spikes yet, and have been adding about 5-8 lbs about every week. I have a 55 gallon, so I have been...
  16. apple5150


    Ok, thanks. My tank is just a standard 55 gallon, 48 x 12 x 16 I believe. The light system I was looking at is 2x65 12000K and 2x65 actinics. The T5 set up is only 2x54, 1 white and 1 actinic. I have heard both sides so I am not sure which way to go. My lighting now seems to get pretty good down...
  17. apple5150


    I am not too sure on what types of corals, probably just easy stuff that does not take too much to keep up. I want to do clams eventually, but that is a while down the road when I can buy a much larger tank. I would say soft corals for the time being, (I think that is the kind, I always get them...
  18. apple5150


    I have been trying to decide between a T5 setup or a Power compact. I can get either retrofit kit for pretty close to the same price, but was not sure which one would be a better investment. I have a 55 gallon tank, and dont think I will be doing any really difficult corals anytime soon. I might...
  19. apple5150

    Reef Books?

    I am new to this forum, but not to saltwater keeping. I have had my 55 gallon going for over 5 years now, but I am just not switching it to a reef tank. I enjoy reading about what I am getting into and having books to reference at home should I come across a problem. Does anyone have any...
  20. apple5150

    Lighting and Tanks in WA

    I would be interested in the lighting. Are they straight pins or square? Are the lights white and blue or just white? What wattage are they? You might have already said that and I just did not notice.